Dont take my food

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"Manjiro Sano!" You scream through the house. All the captains and vice captains who sat in the loungeroom froze looking at their leaders who's eyes were wide with fear as he shoved whatever he was eating hastily into his mouth.

"Mikey what did you do?" Draken demanded in a low voice. Takemichi looked around confused, he had been called to the meeting but had no idea who's house it was or why everyone was so suddenly terrified.

Even Smileys grin faltered.

Heavy footsteps pounded down the hall and Mikey quickly threw something at Baji, he looked at the item in his hands - an empty chocolate chip cookie packet.

"You took her cookies?!" Baji quietly yelled hoping their owner wouldn't hear.

"I was hungry! Hide the evidence!" Mikey wasn't watching Baji instead looking to the door way and trying to hide behind Draken.

Draken pushed him away quickly
"No way Mikey, I'll protect you from anything but her, I don't wanna get kicked out because of you" Mikeys eyes widened as he muttered traitor before hiding.

Baji threw the cookie packet to Mitsuya who threw them to Smiley who roughly shoved the packet to Takemichi just as you walked through the door looking furious.

"Where is the little shit" you demanded looking around the room, Mikey was on the floor hiding behind the couch so you couldn't see him.

Takemichi felt confused and afraid as you loomed in the doorway.

"He ran" Draken said not looking at you, you gave him a warning and he sighed turning to you - you could always tell when they were lying.

"You assholes, I cook for you, I let you use my house as your base, half of you live here, all I ask is that you clean up after yourselves and don't touch my fucking cookies!!" You yelled.

Takemichi's heart stopped when you looked at him  and the packet he held in his hands
"Who are you?" You asked sweetly, he didn't fail to notice all the guys leaning back away from him.

"T-T-Takemichi ma'am" you raised an eyebrow
"Did you eat my cookies Takemichi?" He violently shook his head making himself dizzy.

"Was it Mikey?"

"I don't know" he replied quickly. You sighed annoyed and tapping your foot

"Manjiro you have 10 minutes to get me more cookies or else" Mikey peaked over the couch thinking you had walked away. His eyes widened as you locked eyes

"Gotcha" you snarled jumping over the couch before he could run away, you pinched his ear pulling him to his feet.

"You know the rules Sano" you growled as he whined begging you to let go.

"Cookies now!" You demanded letting him go,
"Next time I kick your ass!" he ran out the door instantly and you let out an annoyed huff disappearing into the house once again.

Your boyfriend got up to follow you and calm you down while the others remained in the loungeroom trying not to laugh.

"Ah guys? Who was that?" Takemichi asked quietly, afraid you would hear him and return to yell at him.

"That's Y/N she's amazing, she's a great cook and usually makes dinner for everyone, there's always a bed if you need a place to crash. Sanzu, Draken, Smiley, Angry and Baji all live here with her" Hakkai explained
"Just don't take her snacks, then your heads on the chopping block and no one will save you" Draken warned.
"We should just send her against Tomans enemies, she'd scare them off in a heartbeat" Takemichi commented trying to return his heart rate to normal.

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