Best Friend - Part 2

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Souya and Nahoya were at your apartment nearly every night, even when they weren't hurt they didn't want you left alone, they now both had keys. They enjoyed spending time with you and you enjoyed having them here.

It had been 3 weeks since they started staying over and tonight they were out at a meeting with their gang. You were surprised when you heard the door opening, then came out to an even bigger surprise.

"Dad?" your father turned to you with a smile.

"Hi honey, how are you?" he asked, you just stood there staring at him. He had been MIA for at least 5 weeks now, no text no nothing despite you trying to contact him everyday. The only reason you hadn't gone to the police was because his work hadn't called looking for him.

"That's what you say? After 5 weeks that's what you say?!" you yelled,

"I know I should have come home sooner, I have just been so busy with work and I met someone -"

"Good for you, grab your shit and go back to her" you snarled crossing your arms, he just looked at you confused. You had only survived these last few weeks because you had a part time job and the twins helped with money here and there, although you never took cash they would just come home with dinner or groceries so you couldn't say no.

"That's no way to talk to your father" he said angrily and you laughed.

"I can't see a father anywhere, all I see is a man who abandoned his daughter for 5 weeks with no word! You should be amazed I'm not dead" he creased his eyebrows.

"Oh please, you are more than capable of looking after yourself"

"I'm 16! I shouldn't have to look after everything!" as you yelled the door burst open the twins running in to see what was wrong. Souya stood there staring down you father while Nahoya went straight to you ignoring him all together.

"You ok mama?" he asked cupping your face and calming you instantly. He started calling you Mama because of the way you looked after everyone, all of the Toman execs had been to your place at one time or another - movie nights, for you to patch them up after a fight, just for a home cooked meal. You and Nahoya had also grown closer, you weren't quite dating but he wouldn't let anyone hit on you - often keeping you by his side and always touching you in some way. There were small kisses and tender moments, most of Toman referred to you as his Wifey.

Souya had moved into the spare room at your place and Nahoya was now sharing your bed every night.

"I thought you guys were going to be late" you said placing your hand over his and leaning into his palm.

"I just had a feeling you might need me" he smiled kissing your forehead.

"And who the hell are you two?" Your father demanded angrily,

"Better question is who are you?" Angry asked living up to his nickname.

"I am her father and the one who owns this apartment, Y/N would you like to explain why two stangers! Two delinquents have keys to our home" your father's voice was rising, a vein in his forehead pulsing.

"They're my family, they're the one's who have been here every night while you disappeared, they're the reason I was able to eat everyday and the only reason I felt safe, this isn't your home it's ours" you felt the tears pricking at your eyes but didn't wipe them.

"No, that ends now you will not be staying alone with two boys -"

"SO you would rather her be completely alone? Do you know how many break-ins have occurred in this complex?" Nahoya interrupted standing behind you with his hands over your hips.

"Well I'm home now, you are no longer needed-"

"for how long? This isn't the first time you've left her alone I doubt this will be the last" Souta jumped in, you just looked at the boys in shock. You never expected them to defend you like this, especially against your father.

"Enough, this is my apartment and you will leave right now" your father was now red in the face, he was avoiding looking at Smiley who was smiling evilly behind you.

"Fine we'll leave but she's coming with us" Nahoya said before turning you around.

"Go get your stuff Mama, I'm taking you home" your heart raced at his words, he lead you back to your room while Souya kept your father in the loungeroom. You could hear them yelling in the loungeroom but Nahoya shut the door and came over to you before you could say anything he kissed you hard and passionate. You felt yourself relaxing into him as his hands wove through your hair and around your waist, it wasn't the first time he had kissed you but this was the first proper kiss, all the others had been pecks. You both finally broke apart breathing heavy and pressing your foreheads together.

"You're mine Mama, now get your things because I'm taking you home"

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