Missing Part 2 - Mikey

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***A/N - this one is a bit long and dark, it was apart of a full story I was writing but then it didn't work but I still liked it. If you struggle with depression or thoughts of suicide this 3 part may not be suitable. Please remember you are important and loved and the world is a better place with you around ❤️***

TW - Suicide, depression

12 Years later***

Takemichi woke up in his older body and looked around the room Naoto was standing in the doorway.

"Welcome back" he handed the other man a cup of tea,

"Is she still missing?" Takemichi asked dreading the answer, Naoto nodded

"What ever she did, she just vanished - this came for you today by the way" He handed over a letter, it looked old and Takemichi instantly recognised it. Ripping it open he read the contents.

Hey there,

I'm hoping this letter made it to you, I remembered the address you gave me ages ago in case I wanted to find you in the future.

Hopefully you and Hina are finally married, maybe with a kid on the way!

I wish the same for Emma and Draken, hopefully my big brother managed to pull his head from his ass and realise what kind of girl was in front of him.

And for Mikey... This one is the hardest, but I hope he moved on, I hope he found love and happiness and left me in the past. You told me that we had a love so strong that we always found finding one another - I hope this is true and I can find him in my next life. Maybe we'll have a better chance then.

You must be wondering what happened to me... If everything goes as planned, I'll be dead.

Everything kept happening because Mikey was trying to save me and keep me safe, so I removed myself from the equation and made my last words to him important.

If I found you and there was finally a future where everyone has happy then please don't hate me for my decision, you have tried so hard to protect us all - it's now my turn to protect your future.

Kisaki should be in jail still, I had enough evidence to hand him over to the police and lock him away for good. I knew some people in jail who promised to 'look out' for him, he will never touch Hina or Mikey again.

My body is probably long gone now, but I jumped into the cliffs from my favourite spot on the beach - I took you there once when you tried to cheer me up about Mikey. I tied weights to myself so my body wouldn't wash away to be found - I know what would happen if Mikey thought I was murdered.

So, Takemichi, please take my final confession and if possible put me to rest completely.

Please pass these words on to the others for me.

To Draken, I'm sorry I had to leave. I don't know if you'll ever understand why I did what I have done, but I want you to know I was happy and I had the best big brother in the world.

To Emma, thank you for being the best friend that I could have ever asked for. Thank you for loving my brother, I hope that you two are making each other happy in the future even if it's just as friends.

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