Interesting part 2

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You had known Ran and Rindou for about 2 months now. Ran wasn't lying when he said you belonged to them, he was at your house every morning picking you up and didn't drop you home until late - not that you minded, the longer you were out of the house the better. Whenever you were home your family was tearing you apart, they knew how easily you found trouble and didn't like your new 'friends' very much.

You were still going to school... almost every day, your grades weren't any worse than before so you didn't get the big deal.

The brothers went to a different school but word spread pretty quickly that you were 'protected' whatever the hell that meant, it was actually pretty annoying.

You jumped into a fight the other day ready to defend someone and kick some ass but as soon as they recognised you the fight instantly stopped and they apologised!

You were walking to school alone today, surprisingly Ran wasn't waiting outside for you. When you reached the school you were even more surprised to see the brothers sitting on a pile of unconscious boys.

"Ahhh, good morning?" you walked over to them with a raised brow.

"Morning" Rindou said looking rather bored and a little tired. 

"Good morning Darling, how did you sleep" Ran said reaching a hand out to you, with a shrug you walked on the barely conscious boys to reach him ignoring the grunts and groans below you

"Ok I guess, I was surprised you weren't there this morning" he pulled you into his lap, your back to his chest as he placed his head on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry about that, I heard some people gave you some trouble the other day and we decided to teach them a lesson"  you looked around the unconscious group and started to remember them.

"You know I can fight for myself" you huffed, you couldn't see his face but you knew he was smiling.

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should" he placed a tender kiss on your neck causing a blush to spread across your cheeks, you would have jumped away from him if his arms weren't wrapped around your waist.

"Don't do that!" you yelled out, his grin was wide against your neck. Rindou rolled his eyes getting to his feet and walking away.
"Your just too precious"

"shhhh, come on I need to get to class" you tried to get up but Ran wouldn't let you.

"Skip today, come hang out with us" 

"I can't, I'm already in enough trouble for skipping the other day" you sighed, this time he let you up following you away from the pile of boys.

When you turned to him he didn't look impressed, he could be quite childish when he didn't get his way.

"Come pick me up from school when I finish, then we'll hang out?" you proposed. He rolled his eyes with a fine and walked away, you huffed in annoyance shouting out a goodbye to Rindou and walking into the building.

At the end of school you looked around but there was no sign of the Haitani brothers, so you shrugged and continued on the way home.

When you got there you were bombarded from your parents, apparently the school had called them about Ran and Rindou's visit and because you were seen with them you had been suspended from school.

"That is the last straw, get your things and leave! We can't keep dealing with this"

"I didn't even do anything?!" you argued but they didn't care, you were guilty by association which meant you were packing a duffle bag with as much as you could. Your parents stood in the doorway watching you,

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