Jealousy - Emma Sano

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You had recently become good friends with Emma Sano, she was such a kind person and very cute. She had a huge crush on some guy you hadn't met yet but he was too dense to realise that she was there, her brothers best friend very cliché but the heart wants what it wants and you decided you wanted to help her.

Emma sat next to you in the cafeteria gushing about him and the teddy bear he gave her for her birthday.

"Anyway he -"

"What are they doing tonight?" you interrupted her, honestly as much as you liked Emma you were tired of hearing about Draken, 

"I think they have a gang meeting" she said slightly surprised at your outburst.

"Let's go then, and I'll stay at your place after. I wanna meet this idiot" you leaned your chin in your palm as she thought about it.

"Are you sure, there will be a lot of their members there?" you raised an eyebrow and she laughed,

"actually you'll probably feel right at home" she giggled remembering how she first met you.

There was an older student picking on one of the new kids in a younger grade, you jumped in on your first day and beat the older student up. No-one bothered you after that. In a way you reminded her of Draken and Mikey, you hadn't met them yet but she had a feeling when you did you would fit right in.

"Ok then, we'll go home get ready and then meet at the shrine" Emma grinned, you smiled back feeling butterfly's at her wide grin.

When you got home you quickly changed into casual clothes. You had put together a plan that would figure out how Draken felt about Emma pretty quickly.

Arriving just before Emma she gasped when she saw you,

"Wow, you look so good!" she gushed, she had never seen you out of the baggy school uniform.

"Not looking to bad yourself Sano, so here's the plan - you're my girlfriend" she paused a blush spreading across her face.


"We're going to go in there and act like a couple, introduce me to him as your girlfriend and we'll see how he feels" you smiled reassuringly while her cheeks grew red.
'calm down princess, its just an act" you whispered into her ear tucking her hair behind her ear. She grew even redder looking at the ground while you giggled. Too Cute.

Putting your arm over her shoulder you led her into the shrine before she could argue, walking past the Toman members who were staring at the intruders. You had a lazy smile on your face while Emma still looked red but she had wrapped her arm around your waist. She lead you to the front of the group where you both stopped in front of a tall boy with a braid and a dragon tattoo - that must be Draken, the other was shorter, had shoulder length hair and was shirtless with his Toman jacket draped over his shoulders. Both looked over to Emma with a smile that changed to a look of confusion when they saw you.

"Hey Emma" Draken said,

"Yo Emma, who's your friend?" the shorter one asked.

"This is Y/N their my -"

"Girlfriend" you finished with a lazy smile. Draken's eyes went wide as he looked at you, you watched him seeing the jealousy on his face. So he does like her. The shorter one had wide eyes his jaw hanging open.

"When did this happen?" he asked gesturing between the two of you.

"A couple days ago, I saw how cute she was and had to make her mine" you smiled looking down at Emma and tipping her chin up so she was looking at you, you brushed your thumb over her red cheeks.

"Who would let someone like her pass them by" you said looking to the tall boy who was looking at you with anger.

"Something wrong beanpole?" you challenged, he looked ready to argue with you but the short one stopped him. Huffing he turned on his heel walking away, you smirked while Emma sighed but you noticed she was still holding you tightly.

"I think it worked princess, he is very jealous" you leaned down to whisper in her ear. You were finding joy in teasing the shorter girl who was watching the tall boy walk away.

"Wanna make him even more jealous?" you asked standing behind her and wrapping your arms around her waist. She tilted her head to the side ready to ask you how when you crashed your lips against hers, she froze in surprise for a moment before she started to kiss you back, surprising you both. Someone coughed and the two of you broke apart, you with a grin her with wide eyes. Looking up you saw the short blonde with a blush on his cheeks.

"Excuse me" Emma asked stepping away from you, you saw Draken watching and waved at him while he shot daggers at you. He saw Emma walking off and quickly followed her.

"Are you two actually together or was that to get at Ken-chin?" the blonde asked. You were confused for a second but then remembered Ken was actually Draken's name.

"I'm tired of hearing her talk about some guy that doesn't give her the time of day, I figured if I showed him what it was like to loose her he might move his ass" you shrugged, he nodded watching Draken talk to Emma,

"Was kissing my sister really necessary? I don't want to ever see my little sister being kissed" he scrunched his nose up and you laughed finally figuring out who this guy was.

"Necessary no, fun yes, your sisters a good kisser" you said wiping your lip,

"You actually like her don't you" he watched you with curiosity, you raised an eyebrow thinking about it.

"Possibly, but I don't get caught up on people that are emotionally invested in others, I'm quite happy being her friend" you smiled at him, "I wont say no to friends with benefits though" you joked causing him to lightly push you away. 

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