The accountant - Kokonoi

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Warning Smut!

You sat on the couch across from Kokonoi helping him with the finances for Boten, it was a lot of work and they didn't really trust anyone but him to do them. You and he had been secretly dating for a year or so and he trusted you to help him. You loved that he made you feel smart and valued.

He was a good man with incredible style, absolutely gorgeous and great with money.

"Does Ran live at the strip club?" You said out loud looking through his card transactions.
"Pretty much" Koko replied with a sigh, he'd long since given up on trying to tell them they couldn't use the work cards there.

"So tell me, if they found out I was helping you, would they kill me?" You joked with a smile
"They won't find out" he replied sounding annoyed and shutting that down. You pouted, knowing he was busy but annoyed that he had barely spoken to you all day only a quick reply here and there, always with an attitude.

"So will I ever get to meet the rest of your 'friends'?" you asked quietly, he had been very strict on keeping your relationship secret, in the beginning it was safety but now it was starting to feel like you were his booty call that helped with the accounting. His cat like eyes flew to you, so quickly you were startled for a moment.

"No, you won't ever meet them, don't ask again" he demanded, that was it you'd had enough for his shitty attitude today and coping the anger for his gangs spending. Annoyed you slammed your papers onto the coffee table and got to your feet.

"I understand that you are stressed but I'm here helping you, the least you could do is not be an asshole" you spat. Grabbing your bag you stormed out of the room slamming the door behind you.

Koko sigh realising he had been an ass today, you always helped him out when he asked, rarely complained and what was better than watching a beautiful woman work in her bra and sweats. An annoyed sigh came when he thought about how hot you had looked and how much he had fucked up.

He expected you to come back in and he would apologise but you never did and when he got the call from Boten about going to their club he agreed deciding to let you cool off and apologise tomorrow.

Imagine his surprise when he got to the club when you were also there, laughing and dancing with your friends without a care in the world. Your dress hugged every curve showing them off as you danced, he felt himself getting hard as he sat down.

Kakucho appeared with your group dancing with one of the girls as you and the others giggled to the side. Soon he brought the group up to sit with the rest of Boten. Your eyes briefly widened before returning to their relaxed state.

"This is my girl and her friends" Kakucho said before turning his attention to the girl on his lap. You girls went through introducing yourselves and it seems the Boten boys took a liking.

"What do you do Y/N?" Ran asked sitting beside you and putting an arm around the back of the booth, giving you his full attention. Koko's eyes narrowed.

"I'm an accountant" you replied with a friendly smile.

"Ahh, now I mean no disrespect in this question but are you an accountant accountant or a 'spicy' accountant" you laughed at his question, eyes briefly turning to an annoyed looking Koko.

"Accountant accountant, I do the numbers and keep my clothes on" you laughed, Koko was very tempted to point out the lie as he had seen you naked and working many times.

"Aww, what a shame" Ran replied before turning to Koko.

"Weren't you talking about wanting an accountant to help you? I found one and she's very cute to" Ran gave you a dazzling smile and you couldn't help but laugh.

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