Stolen - Ran

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"Told you to bring gloves" you remarked watching the people across the street. Your sister Alex was crouched beside you running and blowing on her hands to warm herself up.
"Oh shut up" she growled in annoyance. You were sitting outside one of the most high end clubs in Roppongi just waiting for someone to come outside, you'd been here for at least an hour now. Your older sister Kaia was inside the club scoping out potential targets.

"Kaia texted, someone's coming out, they're from the VIP section" Alex got to her feet, and walked to the entrance of the alley while you hid yourself in the shadows pulling your hood up.

You heard the side door open as a tall man stepped out, pulling a smoke from the packet and lighting it. You couldn't see his features the only notable thing was his purple hair and height.

Alex stumbled down the alleyway towards the guy, stopping just short of him when she had his attention.

"Hey there, mind if I grab one of those" she asked in a flirty tone.

"They're bad for you" he flirted back handing her a smoke and lighting it for her.
"I like things that are bad for me" she ran her hand up his chest and over his shoulder, that was your cue.

Sneaking up behind him you hit him in the head with a metal pipe, he crumpled to the ground between you both.

"I like things that are bad for me? What a shitty line" you commented kneeling beside the guy.

"Oh shut up it worked didn't" she sighed keeping a look out.

Rolling your eyes, you went through his pockets finding his wallet. Haitani huh why does that sound familiar.

"We'll thanks Mr Haitani" you commented removing the money from his wallet, this would go a long way towards helping your family.

Patting him down just in case he had extra cash you found another wad of bills.

"Jesus man what do you do?" You asked yourself quietly. Patting down his legs you noticed something hard down his side. (Not between his legs ya nasty 😂)

Pushing it up past his waistband you saw a metal batton,

"This is mine now to, thank you and sorry" you said as you pulled him back against the wall of the alley so he was hidden from people passing by. As you leaned him against the wall you got a glimpse of his face.

He was pretty attractive, but what caught your eyes was the tattoo on his throat.

"Oh shit" you looked back at his eyes making sure he was still passed out.

Backing away you ran out of the alley blending into the foot traffic, your hair hiding your face.

After walking around for 2 hours and making sure you weren't followed you went home.
Both sisters ran to you once you got inside.
"Where the hell were you! We were so worried!" Kaia shouted, Alex nodded in agreement.

"The guy we hit was a member of Boten, he's a fucking executive" you hissed collapsing on the couch and pulling off your shoes.

"Oh fuck" Alex said ruffling her hair, her wig and contacts now gone.

"Plus side" you said emptying your pockets "dude was loaded and I got this!" You happily showed off the baton.

"Alright we need to lie low for a while, this should catch us up a fair bit tho" Kaia commented, her being the oldest meant she called the shots so you and Alex agreed.

Sanzu went outside to join Ran for a smoke and was surprised when he couldn't find him. He wasn't that loaded so he wouldn't just stumble off.

A nagging feeling made Sanzu check the alley beside the building where he found Ran passed out against a wall.

Laughing he went over and tapped the other males cheek trying to wake him up.

"Come on Rannie boy, wake up time" he sung and Ran groaned his hand going to his head.
"What happened?" He asked struggling to open his eyes, he pulled his hand away from his head revealing blood.

"Oh shit were you jumped?" Sanzu asked checking Rans pockets, sure enough he still had his wallet but all the cash inside was gone, so was the emergency money he kept in his jacket.

"What the fuck" he groaned as Sanzu helped him to his feet. His hand went to his leg,
"They took my fucking baton as well, we need to find them"

"Yeah, yeah we will let's get you to your brother first" Sanzu said practically carrying the taller male inside.

The Boten executives sat in a meeting going over the added protection they'd need until they found Rans attackers, it seemed to be just a robbery but they couldn't be too careful.
Sanzu burst through the doors laughing uncontrollably, drawing all eyes to him. He pointed at Ran as he continued to wheeze, Rans temper growing by the minute.

"It was a girl, some girl was distracting you while the other knocked you out! You fell for the oldest trick in the book!" He laughed struggling to breath as he spoke.

Ran stormed over grabbing the file from
Sanzu's hand as the man struggled to stay upright.

"It's not that funny asshole" he looked at the pictures, there wasn't a clear photo of the girl that spoke to him but there was a photo of the one that mugged him, her hood fallen back, her h/c hair and bright eyes staring in shock at his face.

I'm coming for you darling.

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