How Far Would You Go? - Kakoucho Hitto

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You had always known he would burn the world down for you, it has always been his life that brought danger to your door but he never let it hurt you.

So when the question is asked of you what will you do? How far will you go to protect the man you love?

Your best friend  had found out your husband is apart of Boten the largest criminal organisation in Japan. They had collected more data than the police, enough incriminating evidence that the cops could actually take your husband down.

You looked over their files in shock, your friend mistaking your shock for being oblivious to your husbands activities but no, you were wondering what this would mean for your friend, what would this mean for your husband? 

"We've got enough info to get you free, they'll put you in witness protection and you'll be safe" your friend stressed squeezing your hand reassuringly, your eyes slowly moved to them.

What do I do?

If I tell them the truth, they might try go to the police.

Boten would kill them,

I could play along and find out how they got their information.

You played along for a week, you found a traitor within Boten and had enough information to buy your friends safety but it depended on their next move.

"I knew" you said making them freeze as they packed your bag for you. Their eyes shot to you wide and questioning.

"You knew what?" They asked carefully.

"I have been with Kakucho since we were 16, I've known every gang he was ever in including Boten" you said carefully watching them. They rose, eyeing you warily.

"I guess I have to ask, where does that leave us?" They asked quietly, eyes shooting to the door, with a sigh you moved in front of the door blocking them in.

"You made me ask a question I never wanted to answer. How far would I go to protect my husband?" You chuckled lightly, it felt as if a part of your mind was moving away, you were driven by instinct, the instinct to protect your family. 

"I'm giving you an option here, we can go on with life the way it was, forget everything you know about Boten, keep anything you've learned to yourself and they never have to know"


"Or - if you try to go to the police, to hurt my family - I will stop you" you said determined, cold.

"Your one of them" they said shocked and fearful, you shook your head.

"I love you, I do, but I love my husband to - he is good to me, provides a good life for me, is loyal to me and he is a good person, those monsters as you call them are a part of my family and they have been for a long time" you argued, they shook their head, unable to understand how you could overlook your husbands job, all the people he killed and hurt.

"They are monsters, the proof is right there!" they pointed to the file open before you, "they kill people, they are criminals, gambling, prostitution, sex trafficking, weapons dealings, they are at the centre of all of it" they shouted at you.

"There is nothing I won't do for the man I love, so please - make the right choice" you said the last part quietly, dreading the answer.

"He's a horrible man, he's killed so many people, created so much pain - I can't forget what I've seen" they said determined ready to rush at you and free themselves. You felt your eyes watering.

"Then, I'm so sorry" you said raising a gun, Kaku hid it in his sock draw as a safety precaution if you were ever in danger. Your friends eyes widened as you pulled the trigger - the movement was easy, like turning on a light switch.

The sound echoed loudly in your ears making them ring, a detachment settled on you as you watched them, their eyes widening in shock, mouth falling agape as they fell to their knees. Those eyes were full of disbelief and betrayal, unable to understand what had happened.

They fell to the ground, their chest stopped moving and a puddle of blood slowly grew around them. The realisation of what you had just done settled into your being. A mixture of hot and cold, anger and fear and heartbreak fighting for acknowledgement.

A laugh bubbled out of you, disbelief at what you had just done.

You'd just shot your best friend, you had killed them when all they tried to do was protect you.

The laugh continued turning manic before turning into sobs as you fell to the ground, screams ripping through your chest as you looked at their cold body.

2 hours later and you hadn't moved, leaning against the wall eyes never moving from their body. You faintly heard noise but couldn't work out what it was, maybe it was the cops? They could have given a copy of their research to the police already.

"Baby, what happened?" A voice was breaking through the numbness, warm hands burned your cool skin. You blinked a few times trying to focus on the figure in front of you.

"Kaku?" You questioned, he knelt in front of you cupping your face and forcing you to focus on him. You took in his features using them to ground yourself, his scar that ran from his forehead, his crimson and white eye, his black hair that he had grown, you loved how it looked now.

"What happened?" He asked again, you tried to look back at the body but he stopped you.

"Focus on me, what happened?"

"They found out about Boten" you started, "they had so much evidence on you and they were going to go to the police" your eyes went wide as you looked at him, a cold bucket of water washing over you as you begged him to understand.

"I couldn't let them hurt you, hurt our family - - - I tried to reason with them! They wanted you to be put away and I couldn't - I had - I just" he pulled your head into his chest as you cried becoming overwhelmed at the situation, your sobs echoed in the room as you gripped his shirt tightly. He pulled out his phone calling the other executives while his other arm was wrapped tightly around you.

Once you had calmed down they questioned you, you told them everything even gave them the evidence your friend had compiled. They were impressed at your friends detective work.

You found the rat they had been looking for and the Haitani brothers left to take care of them.

Mikey stood before you putting a hand on your head in a comforting manner, you looked at him with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to do that, but thank you for protecting us"

"I'll always protect my family" you vowed giving him a slight smile. He nodded giving you the same small smile before offering you and your Kakoucho a room in the hideout while the others destroyed any remaining evidence at your friend's apartment, they also needed to dispose of the body in your house.

"I'm so sorry baby" Kakoucho said closing the door behind you both, he was treating you like glass, just waiting for you to crack.

"I always knew you would protect me, I now know I'm strong enough to protect you" you hugged him, he hugged you back tightly. He never wanted this for you, he tried to protect you from the darkest of his work - you were the only light he had left and he didn't want you dimmed with death.

Part of him was also proud of you and touched you would kill for him, a part of him felt a sick satisfaction knowing this.

"I'm so grateful but you'll never have to do that again" he promised kissing you tenderly.

"I love you"

"I love you to"

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