Secret Wife - Ran Haitani

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You had been married to Ran Haitani for 2 years and together for 6, the two of you lived a relatively happy life together. The only problem was you were a secret - not even his brother knew about you.

He had been in gangs since he was young and before you met him. His protective streak was fierce and he hid your relationship to keep you safe, always promising that one day he would tell the world about you but until he could guarantee your safety, neither of you could tell anyone.

You hid your wedding ring on a necklace that always fell below your shirt, he did the same. It frustrated you, he was in Boten one of if not the most powerful gang in Tokyo - if he couldn't protect you now then he never could.

You were lying in bed with him after having sex, a divide had been growing between you. He was always busy and technically lived with the rest of Boten in their headquarters, he had to sneak away to see you! And then he would only stay for a few hours before needing to return - you felt like a hook up, he came over, you had sex and then he left. He tried to keep you happy with gifts but you didn't want them you wanted him, his attention, his love... All the things you used to have.

You were snuggled up to his side and he was hugging you tightly,

"I've got to leave soon darling" he said quietly kissing your head, you closed your eyes trying to hold back tears.

"Can't you stay for one night? I'm sure they'll survive without you for a single night" you tried but he sighed, you had this conversation every time.

"You know I can't"

"Then what's the point of his Ran" You pulled away quickly dressing while he watched you quietly.

"You come here for a couple hours, fuck me, then run away to your precious Boten. What am I to you? Just a reliable fuck?" you yelled. He was out of the bed quickly standing before you and tilting your chin up to face him.

"You are the most precious possession I have, you are the only person I cannot live without, you are my beautiful wife" he held your ring up in front of you "that's why you have this, I know this is hard right now but soon, soon no-one will dare work against us and then I will parade you around and show you off to the world like you deserve. Until then I am asking you to be patient, please my love" you looked at him with tear filled eyes.

"I miss you, I hate sleeping alone" he kissed your forehead pulling you to his chest.

"It wont be long darling, I promise".

He held you a while longer before sighing and leaving you behind, you cried again lying in your bed feeling rejected, all his sweet words were losing their meaning. When your best friend called and told you that you had to join her on a girls night out you didn't even bother to fight her, you needed a break.

The club she took you to was high end, you hadn't been before but you liked it. She went to the bar while you claimed a booth for you both, looking around you spotted the VIP section and in it your husband with a woman on his lap. You froze, heart pounding loudly in your ears, your whole body began to shake as you watched her trailing her hand up his chest, kissing his neck and he did nothing - he smiled and joked with the men by him.

Your friend was flirting with someone at the bar so you pulled your phone out and dialed his number, you watched him check his phone and hesitate for a moment before answering.

"Hi" he said quickly, this was how he always answered when he was with Boten.

"Get that whore off your lap" you growled turning away from him, out the corner of your eye you saw him scanning the crowd until he spotted you.

"It's all about appearances you know, doesn't mean anything" he tried and you rolled your eyes, your shock was turning to rage.

"So while you leave me at home alone you go out and fuck around with other girls" your eyes met his and you saw the anger there despite his lazy expression.

"We can discuss this later" he was trying to pass you off as a business call and you laughed but it was humorless, "fuck you Haitani, two can play this little game" you hung up on him, at that moment your best friend came back to the table.

"Hey you ok you look -- oh ok" you took both drinks from her finishing them instantly.

"Sorry, I really needed that" you smiled at her handing her your card, one that Ran put money onto.

"Go and get a whole bunch of shots and some more drinks ok" you tried to smile, it came across strained and she grinned widely.

"I don't know what happened but I know that look in your eye, you're gonna fuck some shit up tonight and I am here for it" she grinned making her way back to the bar, you chose to ignore him after that. Drinking shot after shot, drink after drink until you were significantly buzzed. You and your bestie made your way to the dancefloor dancing like neither of you had a care in the world and for the moment you didn't. Your grin was wide as you danced up against her, without meaning to your eyes flew to Ran who was staring at you intently holding his glass tightly. That girl was still on his lap, her hand was inside his shirt, her mouth against his neck and you felt your anger rising again, for a moment you had actually forgotten.

Rolling your eyes you turned back to your friend, starting to dance seductively - as your bestie and greatest hype girl, she cheered you on matching your moves and making the two of you a spectacle. Eventually someone was brave enough to come up behind you placing their hands on your hips, you knew from the smell that it wasn't Ran but at that moment you didn't care. He was holding you against him while you both danced to the music, much like Ran you didn't touch him but you made no moves to stop him, even when he started kissing your neck.

It felt good, to have someone's attention, to have someone holding you unashamed.

The man spun you around and when he did you eyes went to Ran again, this time he was making out with the girl on his lap. Your world stopped, the music faded and you ignored the guy behind you as you felt your heart shattering. You watched until they broke apart, he had a smirk on his face that stayed until he spotted you. When he saw your face his smirk dropped and the realisation of what he had done dawned on him.

He got to his feet dropping the girl on his lap but you ran, shoving through the crowds and out of the club.

Ran tried to follow, shoving out of the VIP area and ignoring the calls of the other Boten Members. He tried to get out but was stopped by your best friend. You never told her about him but she knew you were seeing someone, the show you both put on told her all she needed to know.

"So your the asshole that makes her cry every night." she growled slapping him hard.

"Do you know who the fuck I am? Don't touch me and get the fuck out of my way" he growled trying to move past her but she blocked him again.

"No, she deserves to be free of you! She drops everything for you all the time, then she cries and breaks down, do you have any idea what you have done to her mental state? You are destroying her bit by bit" she shoved his chest back, he knew she was right but he didn't care - he couldn't focus on that. He would find you, make it right and treat you how you have always deserved. The cat was out of the bag and he didn't care who knew anymore, he just knew he needed you.

"I'm going to make it right" he growled shoving her aside. 

His brother had caught up to him and was asking questions but Ran didn't answer, the only thing he said was

"Find her". 

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