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Major Spoiler for chapter 277!!!
Please only read on if your ready for a major spoiler
Also artwork isn't mine, full credit to the original artist.


Takemichi fell to his knees with Mikey, blade sticking out of his middle, his tears falling with Mikeys, the last thing he heard Mikeys screams before he closed his eyes.

When he opened them, he was in a dark room, a girl sat on a throne in the middle tapping her fingers rhythmically against the stone.

"Takemichi Hanagaki, you are quite an interesting creature" she said her voice echoing through the dark room.

"Where am I?" He asked confused, trying to remember what happened.

"Technically your dead, but it wouldn't be the first time" her voice laced heavily with annoyance while he tried to process her words.

"Dead? How am I-?" He stuttered.

"How else, you wouldn't leave Manjiro Sano alone. Do you know how much trouble the two of you have caused! How many times we have had to fix the timeline because of you!" She roared getting to her feet. Anger rippled off her in waves and Takemichi froze in fear, if he was already dead could he die again?

"I have had it! do you understand" she demanded growing taller like Alice when she ate the cakes, he shrunk lower.

"I'm sorry but - I - I don't, who are you?" He stuttered.

"You may know me as Karma" she said looking down on him, impossibly tall making him feel like nothing more than an ant.

"Your Karma?"

"Yes, every action causes a reaction and it's my job to ensure that happens. It's a very simple rule of the universe, one you seem to continue changing at your whim." Her accusations were true but in Takemichi's fear he also felt resolve.

"All I wanted to do was save my friend!" He yelled through tears,
"He suffered so much I just wanted to save him, to let him be happy"

"He was supposed to be dead!" She roared,

"His brother saved him by using violence and creating an alternate timeline, so many deaths were caused by his choice, by Manjiro's continued life" her voice furious and echoing inside his mind.

"It was you" Takemichi said quietly, "you put the darkness into Mikey" he realised with wide eyes.

"Everything has a balance, Manjiro was never supposed to live so Shinichiro had to die, every life the two of you saved needed a balance, and Mikeys life was born out of violence, so that's what rested in his heart" the explanation shocked him, he was looking at the source of Mikey's pain, at the source of his own pain.

"You have surprised me though, most humans would stop when they achieved their goal, but you continued to fight, your goal changed from saving your girlfriend to saving your friend. Your intentions were pure throughout your journey and your heart was steady." She said shrinking to a human size and standing in front of him as he kneeled. He could finally see her face properly, her eyes were white and her hair short and black, her lips a deep red.

"I have decided to give you a choice, I can return you to the original timeline, one where you never knew Manjiro, I cannot tell you what future that holds but it will be your life, never tainted" she offered, his eyes stayed on her determined.

"The second is I can send you back one last time. In your death you transferred the power of time jumping to Manjiro, I can send you back with him and give you both the chance to make the life you chose" she knelt before him,

"But this will be it, no do overs, no take backs, you make a mistake and you live with the consequences, do you understand?" Her voice was calmer, almost soothing, Takemichi didn't hesitate, he knew his answer.

"Please, give me one more chance" he could have sworn he saw a smile on her face.

"Very well, farewell Takemichi, I hope when we meet again you are old and have lived a full life".

He awoke in his bed to the alarm blaring loudly, the dream sat in his mind, a reminder in his head and heart, one last chance.

Let's do this Mikey, let's save everyone!

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