Best Friend - Smiley

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Your best friend was in a gang. You couldn't understand it but it was his thing, that was enough for you. The thing you couldn't get used to was seeing him come to school with inadequate first aid.

"You look like crap" you commented as he sat next to you with a look telling you not to start. His blue hair falling over his eyes, he was known as Angry by the majority of the school - but you knew the difference between his normal looks and when he was actually mad.

"Who patches you up after your fights Souya?"

"My brother, we patch each other up" taking a deep breath you looked at his bruised face again, touching his cheek to inspect the cut there.

"Well how about you start coming to me instead? I can patch you both up" you offered and he looked at you surprised. You hadn't met his brother before but you would do anything for Souya, he felt like a brother to you and he treated you as a little sister - surely his brother would be the same.

"Are you sure?"

"I know what I'm doing to some extent, my dad's a doctor and rarely home so if you get in a fight and need some help come see me ok? Need to keep that face at least a little pretty for your future partner" you grinned and he pushed you away playfully. He muttered a small thank you and you felt a little better, at least you could do something to help him.

You weren't expecting him to show up that night with his brother, leaning against each other for support. His brother with peach hair and a grin on his face.

"Your both idiots" you commented leading them inside. Souya sat on the couch while his brother collapsed on the floor, you didn't know much about him but you were intrigued by his permanent smile.

"Souya, you should take some lessons from your brother and smile a little more" you joked while retrieving your first aid kit. When you came back he half heartedly through a pillow at you and you smiled while leaning over him and cleaning him up. You sat on his lap with legs on either side of him as you worked, the two of you were comfortable so he rested his hands on your thighs while his head leant on the back of the couch.

His brother was looking at the two of you in surprise, he had never seen his brother so comfortable with anyone other than him.

By the time you finished patching him up he had fallen asleep and you carefully lifted yourself off of him moving to his brother on the floor. You sat beside him because this was the first time you'd ever met him and you didn't want to freak him out.

Cleaning him up you watched him looking for any indication he was in pain but he just kept smiling.

"Something wrong?" he asked as you squeezed his cheeks,

"Don't your cheeks get sore smiling all the time?"

"Nah" you shrugged continuing.

"How do you know my brother?" he tried to make small talk.

"We're in the same classes, I got sat next to him and poof friendship, he's actually my best friend"

"Yeah, I guessed you guys were close" his voice suggestive, you just rolled your eyes.

"We're just friends idiot" you said flicking his forehead, he looked at you in further shock... No-one had ever flicked him in the head before. He found himself more and more intrigued with the girl in front of him.

"What's your name by the way?" you asked finishing with the last band aid on his cheek.

"Nahoya, everyone calls me Smiley"

"Ah, so you two really are a pair, I don't know if grumpy pants told you but I'm Y/N" you winked playfully, he smiled again but this time it was genuine. You could see his peach eyes and found yourself entranced by them. You found yourself leaning forward until Souya snored loudly making you jump, you also realised that Nahoya had leaned back as well. Getting to your feet you put the first aid kit away and grabbed some sheets.

"You can stay here tonight, bathrooms down the hall" you smiled handing Nahoya the bedding and towels.

"Are you sure that's ok?" he put the items down on the other couch.

"Yeah, its fine, I actually wouldn't mind having someone else in the house" you shrugged,

"What about your parents?"
  "Dad's a doctor with a new girlfriend, I haven't seen him in 2 weeks and I doubt he'll be coming home tonight"

"It's not really safe for you to be staying alone especially in this neighbourhood" you realised how close he was standing, you had to look up to look into his eyes.

"I guess it's good I have 2 strong boys staying in my loungeroom right?" your breath hitched as he placed his hands on your waist,

"You could have 1 in your room if you wanted" he leaned down and whispered in your ear.

You felt your cheeks heat staring into those deep peach eyes.

"You know I don't think you could handle me in your current condition, come back when your not injured and we'll see" you smirked kissing him quickly before turning and heading to your room.

"Just so you know, I have a bat and I'm not afraid to use it so no funny business" you called before closing the door, a blush on your face and a grin that wouldn't go away.

"Don't you hurt her, she's a good friend to me" Souya growled from the couch, his brother was still in shock looking after the girl that had just disappeared.

"Why'd it take you so long to introduce us?" he said ignoring Souya's comment, he planned to see her a lot more.

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