The Roommate - Mikey Lemon

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Stumbling through the dark apartment you used the wall for guidance to the kitchen. Still half asleep and refusing to use the lights you hissed and swore as you stubbed your toe twice before finally making it into the kitchen. Sighing in annoyance and pain you groggily shuffled to the fridge and grabbed the juice drinking straight from the container.

"Shouldn't you be using a cup?" a raspy voice speaks behind you causing you to jump in fear, spitting a mouthful of juice all over the bench. Coughing you turn to see a man with long blonde hair and dark sleepy eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" you demand while coughing, slamming the juice on the bench, he smirked at you handing the paper towels.

"Mikey", a vague memory came forward of your roommate Emma saying her brother was coming to stay for a little while.

"Emma's brother" you sighed, being half asleep you had completely forgotten he was coming. Grudgingly you wet the paper towels trying to clean some of the juice off yourself. It took a moment to realise you were only in booty shorts and a bra, your eyes drifted to the man before you, he was watching you with a smirk on his face - now looking much more awake.

"Sorry for waking you up" you yawn choosing to ignore your lack of clothing, it was too late now. "You can go now" you comment continuing to clean the kitchen.

"Nah, I think I'll hang around for a bit" he grinned leaning against the bench and watching you without shame. You rolled your eyes, it would take an idiot to not notice how hot he was but you just weren't in the mood, your bed was calling.

"So, do I get to know your name? So far I've only ever known you as Emma's roommate"


"Y/N" he smiled and you didn't want to admit you liked how he said it.

"Where's Emma?" you asked throwing out the paper towels and leaning against the opposite bench.

"At a party with Draken" he replied rubbing his eyes.

"She's still trying to get his attention" you sigh, it quickly turning into a yawn. "I have a question, best friend to best friend, does he actually like her?"

"Yeah he loves her" Mikey yawned as well.

"Then do us all a favour and tell him to get his shit together, this is getting ridiculous"

"mmm" he nodded in agreement, eyes trailing over your body again. He pushed off the bench walking towards you, subconsciously you leaned further into the bench behind you. You had heard a lot about Mikey from Draken and Emma but you weren't prepared for how attractive he was or the way he approached you like a predator eyeing his prey. He smirked standing in front of you, barely any space between the two of you.

"What are you doing?" you ask looking up at him, your heart beating quickly as his arms rest on either side of you.

"Just getting a drink" he grabbed the juice from behind you taking a mouthful, your eyes moving to his mouth and throat as he did making you swallow.

"What did you think I was doing?" he asked putting the empty juice container in the sink, his arm brushing yours and sending goose bumps over your skin. You put your hands on his chest to push him away, blushing when feeling how hard his pecs are

"I think you should go back to bed Sano" you started

"And why would I do that?" he leaned down and kissed your shoulder trailing kisses up your neck nipping lightly. You sigh blissfully and he chuckles, placing his hands on your hips and squeezing.

"Maybe I could come back to your bed" he says nibbling your ear.

Would you normally let a random back to your room? No

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