Twin Trap - Part 2

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I gave Nahoya my number hours ago but he never texted, I sighed a little disappointed. He would have been the prefect person to help set our siblings up but I guess I would have to do it on my own.

I finished my class heading straight to my locker and waiting for my sister there, she wasn't far behind me and we both started the walk home together.

"Turns out I have the last class with Souya" she smiled slightly blushing.

"ahhh, who's Souya?" I asked confused, scratching my head.

"oh, the blue haired boy we met today, he's really sweet" she smiled looking down and playing with her hair. My eyes widened - I had never seen my sister like this.

"Wow you are really into him" I smiled seeing the dreamy look on her face.

"At first I thought he was just cute but the more I talked to him the more we had in common, he looks angry but I got him smiling and" she continued to ramble about her interactions with the blue haired boy. I smiled knowing she was falling for him quickly, hopefully he felt the same otherwise I would have to kick his ass.

"We even talked about you for a while" Sam said pulling me back into the conversation.


"He thinks you and Nahoya might be a good match from what I said about you and what he knows about his brother" she squealed, "we could double date!"

"Hah Peaches?, I don think so, I think I might have scared him off today"

"What do you mean?" she instantly stopped smiling, grabbing my hand and stopping me too.

"I don't know, I was talking to him about planning to get you and his brother together, I gave him my number and flirted with him a little, he hasn't texted me and I'm pretty sure I saw him run away from me after school. I think I scared him off" I sighed running a hand through my hair, I had never been that good with guys.

"Don't worry about me, focus on you and blue - he sounds perfect for you" I smiled tugging on her hand, she couldn't hide her smile or her blush when she thought about the boy. I wondered what it was like to feel that way.

We reached home and her phone pinged, erupting a squeal from her and making my eyes widen. The girl had had crushes before but this was something different the only time she ever squealed was usually over food. Souya, also known as Angry had texted her and asked if she wanted to go for a ride apparently they both had motorbikes.

"We should get changed" she squealed running off towards her room, I shook my head
"I'm sorry, we?"
"Yeah didn't you hear me? Smileys coming too" my eyebrow went up.

We both changed and sat on the steps waiting, it wasn't just the twins that arrived, there was a group of 10 all on bikes wearing a uniform.
"Hey" Souya waved walking up to the gate, I smiled watching my sister grab his hand tightly and follow him to their friends. I got to my feet joining her other side as the group started introducing themselves, 2 of the guys were from earlier.

Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Angry, Smiley, Pah and Peh. Damn that was a lot of names, I doubted I'd remember them.
"Rude girl" The black haired boy smiled as he threw an arm around my shoulders.

"Idiot boy" I grinned back

"These two have balls Mikey"he said ignoring me looking to one of the shorter members of their group. He was quietly chewing on a Snack watching me and my sister intently. I met his stare unwavering and everyone around us went quiet, there was a challenge in his glare and I was meeting it head on.

"Got a problem Doyaki boy?" I inclined my head and his eyes narrowed,

"Come on you two play nice" one of the others said stepping between us, he was tall with a dragon on the side of his head.

"Shut it beanpole, if Doyaki boy wants a go let him try" a grin grew on my face and Sam pinched my arm in warning.

"You'll lose" Doyaki boy said in a dark voice

"Your underestimating me" I saw a brief smile on his face before the someone suggested we leave and go for a ride. He nodded walking away but still had a smirk on his face, I was hit on the back of the head by my loving sister.

"What the fuck?" I growled and she hit me again.

"We are trying to make friends here remember" she whisper yelled.

"You realise this is a gang?" I questioned her and she rolled her eyes

"What does that matter?"

"I'm sure our brothers will be real impressed with our new 'friends'" I added air quotes.
"I get you like blue, he seems sweet so I'll behave but if any of them start anything I'll finish it" she narrowed her eyes ready to scold me again before nodding, she knew me well enough to know that was the best deal she was getting.

"Excuse me?" Souya politely interrupted us. We both turned to him and he pointed to the bikes behind him.

"Sam, you can jump on with me if that's ok" she nodded eagerly.

"Y/N you can go with Smiley" he pointed to his brother who was busy talking to the purple haired boy. I nodded walking over and waiting for them to finish, as soon as Smiley noticed me he turned a large grin on his face.

"Is it ok if I ride with you? Blue told me to" I wanted to make sure he nodded helping me on behind him.

"Hold on tight" he warned before speeding out of there.

Nahoya POV

I found Souya after class, he seemed a lot happier than usual.

"What happened to you?" I asked curiously.
"You know that girl from earlier, she was in my class and we were talking the whole time, I even got her number" his lips ripped into a quick smile. Oh shit.

"Her sister is single too you know" he nudged my arm. I rubbed the back of my head looking at the ground, was I interested sure but I didn't know how to talk to her, for the first time someone was leaving me speechless.

"I actually got her number before class, she wanted me to help set you and her sister up but it seems that's unnecessary now"

"Are you going to txt her?"
"I don't really know what to say" I shrugged.

Later while we were home Souya came in asking if I wanted to go for a ride. I shrugged in agreement and texted the group chat asking if they wanted to as well.

"You idiot" Souya yelled when he saw the text,
"What?" I yelled back, he walked in shaking his head.

"We're picking up the girls" he facepalmed
"Should have told me that first bro" I shrugged.

We arrived at their house to see both girls on the front steps, the rest of the guys were surprised to know we were picking up girls but didn't argue about it.

Sam ran to Souya while her sister watched on with a smile on her face before joining them. I felt like my personality had been switched with Souya because as much as I wanted to go up and talk to her, I couldn't get past the nerves. She looked so beautiful.

The guys all introduced themselves and I just waved,

"Rude girl!" Baji shouted going over and throwing his arm around her shoulders, I had to resist the urge to punch him. Baji brought Mikey's attention to her and she stared back unflinching - challenging him back.

I waited watching their interaction, if they did fight I wasn't allowed to get involved but part of me knew I would without hesitation.

"We came to ride didn't we? Let's get going" they smiled at each other in approval as Mikey walked away. I walked back to my bike talking with Mitsuya but keeping an eye on her. Her sister was yelling at her in a whisper before Souya went in distracting them both. She walked over to my bike standing in front of me patiently. I turned to her and saw a slight pink to her cheeks

"Is it ok if I ride with you? Blue told me to" not trusting my voice I nodded helping her on behind me, I didn't miss Mistuya's smirk but chose to ignore it. Her arms were wrapped loosely around my middle, but thanks to the seat she was right up against my back.

"Hold on tight" I warned her before gunning it up the street feeling her arms tighten around my waist, her hand splayed across my chest and her head on my back.

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