Me First - Wakasa

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"Are you really leaving?" you watched as he put on his uniform, he sighed knowing an argument was coming.

"I told you there was a fight today" he turned to look at you tying half his hair into a ponytail. You were getting angrier, you were meant to go out today and have a date, something it seems he completely forgot about again.

He was always canceling on you.

"Are you kidding your fighting children!" you were begging him to stay, to remember that you were a person and important and had something important to tell him today.

"It's Shinichiros brother I told you that" he shrugged looking at you lazily, shoving his hands in his pockets he walked out of the bedroom, you quickly got off the bed following.

"And I'm your wife! When am I going to come first?" you shouted, you'd had this fight so many times now, it never seemed to sink in with him.

"I know that but you know me, you know who you married. It's one date we can reschedule." his annoyance seeping into his tone but still he stayed calm and quiet.

"I didn't think I would spend the rest of my life coming second to a gang. I thought at some stage you would remember that I'm important too. Make your decision, this gang shit or you and me?" you gave him the ultimatum, your body heating up and chest heaving from yelling and a build-up of emotions, your heart felt like it was hanging by a string as you silently begged him to stay. Your eyes locked on his lilac ones.

"I have to go, we can discuss this later" he finally said annoyed, you watched as he turned his back on you, walking out and slamming the door behind him.

"There won't be a later, your choice is clear" you said sadly looking at the door, you hadn't had problems with his gang in the past but at some stage you thought he would leave the delinquent life behind, he owned a gym now and went legit but still he went to fight in a teenagers battle.

Today you were both meant to go on a date.

A date where you would tell him the exciting news, but now you realised it just wouldn't matter, you would never matter as much as his delinquent world. Neither would your child.

Sobbing as your heart shredded itself you went around the apartment packing your things, you weren't sure where you would go but you couldn't stay.

It didn't take long to pack your life into a few bags, you took one of his shirts needing the comfort of his familiar smell, but that was the only thing of his you took.

With one last look around the apartment, your eyes lingered on every surface as memories flooded your mind, all the cuddles and laughs and amazing sex but you forced yourself to also remember the fights, the arguments - all the times he left you alone when you needed him. The times you cried alone, the times he came home injured and wanted nothing to do with you, the nights he didn't come home because his gang had something going on.

Pain filled your chest and tears gathered in your eyes as you asked yourself if you were really doing this, you loved him. You loved him so much, but maybe that was the problem.

Your love had blinded you to many things and let him get away with so much that he shouldn't have. You deserved better.

It was time to put yourself first, you had to, for your sake and your unborn child's.

He wouldn't know, you were going to disappear. You had a nice savings that would help you out and a new job that you hadn't gotten the chance to tell him, a blessing in disguise it would seem.

You left a note on the table along with your keys and ring, your heart was tearing itself apart inside you as a few tears fell on the letter.

Your fingers brushing against the skin that was now bare, the ring had always grounded you, calmed you down as you played with it.

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