To Our Forever - Sanzu

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TW: Domestic Violence, abuse, drug use and drugging.

Credit to the artist - How gorgeous is he?!

You walked into your apartment throwing your keys to the bench and letting out a long sigh, as if the sound and expulsion of air from your lungs would erase the shitty day you'd endured.

A chuckle came from the dim room behind you making your body freeze and your blood run cold. That chuckle, you could place it anywhere. You'd spent the better part of the last 2 years trying to escape it.

Slowly you turned looking into the dark loungeroom, all you could see was the light at the end of a smoke.

"Bad day darling?" The voice spoke eerily calm. This wasn't the first time he'd found you, but you'd honestly thought you were free and paid handsomely for that freedom.

"How did you find me?" You asked quietly backing into the kitchen to find a weapon, feeling along the dark bench for the knife block... the knife block that was missing.

"It wasn't easy, you hid well this time, I'm quite proud" he crushed his cigarette against the table before standing, his dark figure looming large in the small apartment.

"Although I still can't figure out why you would leave me? We're prefect together, you know how much I love you and yet you left me". You heard the slight manic in his voice as his calm dementor started to chip away.

"So please love, give me one good reason that you left" he walked to the kitchen standing on the other side of the island, you were silent, the only sound in the quiet room your rapid heartbeat and speeding pulse. Your wide eyes stayed trained on his figure as he leaned on the bench, pulling out one of the knives you'd been looking for. Pink hair reflecting the moonlight, scars making him look even more sinister as his face was half hidden by shadows.

"I had to move these, for your own safety. We both know you can't be trusted" he smirked before stabbing the knife into the cutting board.

"Haruchiyo," you breathed trying to form a sentence, trying to move your mind past the fear and the fact he had a knife.

"I asked a question" he said again, blue eyes piercing your soul.

"You hurt me" the words came out so quiet you weren't sure he had heard. He sighed running a hand through his pink hair, as if this situation was stressful for him, as if he was the one in fear for his life.

"I apologised for that love, besides that's what couples do - they fight, they apologise, they make up, they aren't supposed to run away" he stated as if it were facts.

"You cut me" your voice shook,

"It was an accident"

"And drugged me"

"I wanted you to have fun with me, you were turning into such a buzzkill, never happy, I missed your smile. I almost thought about giving you scars like mine, so you always smiled" you brain flashed back to the day he had attacked you, the relationship had been toxic for a long time but that was the breaking point.

He held you down shoving the pills into your mouth, you tried to fight him, screaming and he pulled out a knife dragging it along your arm and laughing at your screams, too high to understand just how fucked up the whole situation was. There was still a faint scar on your arm.

"Please, just leave me alone" you begged, tears running down your cheeks.

"I can't do that" he said sighing and moving around the bench, you backed away but it only cornered you further in the small kitchen. There was no escape as he came to stand in front of you, wiping the tears from your cheeks tenderly.

"I can't leave you alone because I love you and only you, your mine forever" he leaned down placing his lips against yours softly. More tears fell because this was the version of him that you had fallen for, the softer version that loved you more than anything and took care of you. The version before Boten and the drugs.

His blue eyes stared into yours, searching for something.

"I won't hurt you again my love, but I just can't let you go I'm sorry" he kissed you again before putting a cloth over your mouth and nose, you tried not to breath it in but it was useless, soon your body slumped in his arms.

"I'll never let you go love, your mine forever" he kissed your forehead before carrying you from your apartment to his car.

"Let's continue to our forever" he smiled tucking your hair behind your ear.

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