The Bodyguard- Wakasa

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You spat blood onto the floor with a grin on your face.
"Is that all you've got?" Your attackers shared a look before advancing again, no one was really winning this fight but they had the advantage over you. Three vs one, one snuck behind you pinning your arms while the other two alternated attacks, you broke free a few times but they were quick to restrain you again.

You were planning the possible ways to win when a new fighter joined the fray. You saw his bright white hair before his fist connected with one of the attackers.

They flew away and the surprise gave you an opening, you threw your head back connecting with the face of whoever was holding you, they let go stumbling back and you knocked out the other with a swift punch to the head.

You turned to finish off the one behind you but the white haired boy had already taken care of them. He turned to you with a smirk,
"Afternoon princess"
"Fuck you Wakasa, what are you even doing here?" You growled before walking over to grab your backpack from the ground.

"Come on, is that really any way to talk to the guy that just saved your ass" he walked over to you looking bored and flicking your nose like he knew you hated.
"Don't touch me, I had that" annoyance heavy in your tone you walked away from him, your lip was split and bleeding and your cheek was swelling but you would have won that. Annoying ass just had to interrupt, like always.

Later you made your way to Shibuya Shrine, Shinichiro had texted you calling for a meeting. You weren't keen on going because your face had bruised from the earlier fight and your friends always got 'over protective'.

Waking in you saw almost everyone was already there..

Shinichiro spotted you first a smile wide on his face until he saw the bruises. His smile fell and you could hear Takeomi crack his knuckles.

"What happened to you?" Shin demanded gaining everyone's attention.

"Nothing just a little fight this afternoon, I won" you smile back reassuringly.

"You only won because I showed up, it was three on one" you groaned loudly hearing Wakasa's bored voice join the group.

"Shut up Wakasa, I didn't need your help"

"Fine, next time I'll let them beat you to a pulp" he rolled his eyes and Benkei sighed, he stood next to you patting your shoulder reassuringly. You and Benkei were actually pretty close but because you and Wakasa hated each other he always seemed to get stuck in the middle.

"You know the rules Waka, no-one fights alone" Takeomi said looking at you with concern.

"She keeps getting targeted, that's not on me" Waka said with a tsk, looking at you with distaste.

"She has a name, and she does not need protection!" You shoved him away from you.

"Shin tell him to back off" he rolled his eyes pulling out a lollipop.

"Actually I think he's right, you keep getting targeted and none of us want you getting hurt so from now on you have to have another member of the Black Dragons with you" your jaw dropped.

"Shinichiro you've got to be kidding! I don't need a babysitter!" You yelled at him. He sighed and walked to you putting a hand on your head.

"I know you don't need a baby sitter, this is just to keep you safe ok, only for a little while" you were ready to argue but you saw the look in his eyes, it was a warning to back down. You felt your anger rising as you tried to not argue back.

"Do I at least get to chose?" You gritted out. Shin raised an eyebrow,

"Waka lives closest to you so he can take you to and from school, outside of that just call someone to come hang out" he commanded. You lowered your eyes and kept them on the ground, his tone was the one he used when there was no argument to be made. As soon as he was a few steps away you turned and stormed out of the shrine.

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