Coffee Date - Rindou

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"You just had to piss them off didn't you" your sister growled as she punched another wannabe gangster in the face.

"They were being rude, what was I supposed to do?"

"Not get into a brawl everyday!" she yelled as one of the assholes clipped your cheek, your sister saw this and punched him hard enough to throw him on his ass.

"Keep your fucking hands to yourself" she scolded him making you laugh as the gang got angry, there was about 10 of them and at first they saw you both as a joke but now they were realising that was a mistake with at least 4 already on the ground unconscious.

Looking around you noticed two men in suits with purple hair, one twirling a baton, both had a bored expression. With a grin you ran over to them, they looked surprised as you approached them.

"Can I borrow this?" you asked pointing at his baton, he raised an eyebrow as you took the baton from him, "thank you, I'll bring it back shortly" you grinned running back into the fight. One of the members was running at you and you struck him in the face knocking him to the ground instantly, your eyes widened and so did your grin.

"I so need one of these" you looked at it wonder, with the help of the baton you took down the remaining members and smiled at your sister who was looking irritated.

"I know what I want for my birthday" you called out from where you were sitting on a pile of knocked out wimps, holding the baton in the air.

"Where did you even get that?" she sighed walking closer to you and pulling you to your feet.

"Come on you should be invigorated, all your anger should have been used up on your punching bags" you gestured to the people on the floor around you. She rolled her eyes as you lead her back to the two men who had been watching the fight.

"Thank you for this, it's awesome" you went to hand it back but noticed some blood on it, "sorry 1 sec" you turned around using your shirt to clean the weapon, then handed it over.

"Why did you even have that?" your sister questioned him.

"We were thinking we would need to jump in and assist you, but you two seemed to have it all under control" he smiled at her, your eyes darted between them as you noticed a slight smile on her face. He was tall with short purple hair and purple eyes, you could see your sister was getting flirty as well.

Not wanting to interrupt you looped your arm around the other guys arm and pulled him along with you.

"We're gonna get some food, see you later" you yelled at your sister who rolled her eyes.

"Why are your dragging me along, I don't want food" he said annoyed.

"I'm not that hungry either but I wanted to give my sister and your friend some time alone"

"He's my brother and she's not special you know he flirts with everything" he stared bored and you frowned

"Yeah he might but she never flirts with anyone, so if it makes her a little happy its worth it" you nodded agreeing with yourself, he just gave you a strange look.

He let you lead him and soon the two of you were sitting in a café drinking coffee and hot chocolate, he paid even though you told him you'd cover it. He stared out the window looking bored while you tapped your mug trying to think about what to talk about.

Silence was annoying, he hadn't spoken a word just watching the people on the other side of the glass.

"Your not very social, you don't have many friends do you?" Maybe not the best start but he seemed so awkward you couldn't help yourself, your sister would have smacked you on the back of the head for that comment. He turned to you looking a little irritated.

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