August 3rd - Smiley

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You watched as someone snuck up behind Draken plunging a knife into his stomach.

"Draken!" you shouted making your way through the Mobious members. The stabber set his sights on you and you readied yourself to fight, focusing on ways to disarm him. Too focused on him... you didn't notice the other Mobious member sneaking up behind you. They landed a punch to the side of you skull before grabbing your arms and pinning them behind your back. Seeing his opening the stabber ran forward plunging the knife deep into your stomach, your mouth fell open but no sound came out and you felt your body begin to shake.

"Bastard" you managed, he pulled the knife back and the other let you go, your legs instantly giving way as you fell to your knees. Your hands went to your stomach covering your wound. You couldn't stay were you were or you would get trampled so you gingerly made your way to Draken, every movement causing a jolt of pain through your system. Beside Draken you finally collapsed.

"Hey Draken" you panted coughing.

"Hey Kid" he groaned briefly looking at you.

"Being stabbed sucks doesn't it?"

"So they got you too" his breathing was laboured but talking means alive and conscious.

"I don't know what hurts more, my head or my stomach" he laughed a little in agreement. He tried to say something else but you couldn't hear anymore, the ringing in your ears too loud.

"Draken!" someone's whine pierced the ringing,

"They've been stabbed!' the whiny voice shouted again, you tried to tell him to shut up but it was no use, nothing was communicating in your body anymore.

Smiley POV

He heard Takemichi shouting about someone being stabbed but didn't pay much attention, he was having too much fun punching the guy he was holding up by the collar.

"Die!" he giggled punching the guys face.

Takemichi could handle whatever was going on, at least that's what he thought until Souya called out to him. Souya was staring to the other side of the parking lot with a pale face looking more angry than usual. With a final punch he knocked the guy out and followed his brothers gaze. On the other side of the parking lot was Draken and his girlfriend, both bleeding onto the ground.

Running as fast as he could until he reached her, dropping to his knees and trying to get her conscious.

"Y/N wake up please, come back to me"

3rd Person POV

Takemichi watched on in shock, he had never seen Smiley... not smiling.

"Mikey!" Smiley yelled out, the blonde haired boy turned to them, eyes widening at the sight of his best friend and sister on the ground. He fought to get to them but was held back by Mobious members.

"Nahoya, Takemichi I'm trusting them to you" he shouted as he fought against Hanma, he had to put his faith in them now.

"Let's go Takemichi" Nahoya yelled stopping Takemichi from crying.

"They need us right now" he carefully picked Y/N up putting her on his back while Takemichi did the same with Draken.

Emma and Hina ran over saying they had called for ambulances but it was delayed because of the rain and fesitival. Takemichi was struggling and had to put Draken down, Emma was quick to his side, supporting his head from the ground.

Takemichi helped Nahoya lower Y/N to the ground, he was quick to sit behind her pulling her back to his chest.

"You gave me a good scare back there" he said quietly earning a small chuckle from Y/N. At some stage she had woken up and was fighting to stay conscious. He was trying to distract her, but she could feel the slight shake in his hands. His large hands were on her wound trying to stop the bleeding, she groaned in pain and he squeezed his eyes closed.

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