I'm in charge

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(A follow on to don't touch my food)

A loud crashing noise shocked you awake, groaning you pulled yourself from the bed and went into the hall. Draken had just appeared from his room as well, looking half asleep and annoyed.

"Your turn or mine?" You asked tiredly, he shook his head rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"A crash that loud, I think both" he didn't sound impressed, you let out a noise that was a mix between a sigh and a groan before heading for the stairs.

Hushed voices were whisper yelling,

Walking in you saw the guys facing off against two others. The distinctive difference? The Toman guys were quietly trying to get the other two outside. The tall intruders, one with braids the other with blue and yellow hair looked confused.

"What is wrong with you guys?" The taller one asked, raising his brow and using his baton to smash a vase near the door.

"Fight us!" He shouted.

"Dude what the fuck are you doing?!" Smiley panicked.

"Would you shut up!" Baji whisper yelled, eyes widening when he noticed you on the staircase. Arms crossed and eyebrow raised.

The others froze upon seeing you, eventually the intruders turned to you as well looking confused.

You surveyed the room with a raised brow, your front door was busted in. Front 2 windows were smashed and a vase.

"You two do this?" You asked plainly.

"So what?" The shorter one sounded irritated.

"There's a dustpan and brush under the sink, get them and clean this up" you sighed rubbing your temples. The two looked at you like you were insane while the Toman members stood in silence.

"You don't tell us what to do" the taller one scoffed, you looked at him with a try me expression and his eyes widened.

"Listen here pippy long stocking, this is my house, I have rules. One of the main rules being no fights in the house. You wanna fight take it down the street but first you will clean up your mess or so help me I will end you" you growled.

"She's not kidding," Angry growled backing you up.

"Notice how they're all scared of me? Their reaction when you came in? I'm the reason so get to work" you demanded crossing your arms.

The shorter of the intruders scoffed at you again clearly irritated.

"Do you know who we are?!" He shouted.

"Do you know who I am??" You yelled in response.

"Meet the Haitani Brothers, they run Roppongi" Baji said scratching his neck. Everyone knew they came for a fight but it wouldn't happen until you allowed the brothers to leave.

"Just do as she says then we can kick your ass at the park" Draken yawned already over it.

"We're not listening to some bitch!" Rindou shouted insulted. Your eyes widened before narrowing in on him.

"Oh, you've done it now" Smiley gave a nervous chuckle.

You walked over grabbing Rindou by the ear and pulling him behind you.

"What the fuck! Let me go! I'll break every joint you have!" Rindou shouted, his brother followed quietly, although there was an amused look on his face.

"I've heard about you" Ran spoke sitting on the stool behind the kitchen counter.

"You're the only one who scares even the invincible Mikey, no gang will touch you" he commented and you smirked.

"I have every gang in Tokyo wrapped around my finger and obeying my rules, you really want to play this game?" You smiled sweetly and he chuckled.

"Under the sink you said" he confirmed and you nodded releasing Rindou to his brother who forced him to retrieve the cleaning equipment.

"I expect you both to pay for the windows to be replaced, a new lock and I want a new vase with flowers as an apology."

The rest of Toman could barely contain their laughter as they watched the famous Haitani brothers cleaning your loungeroom.

"Don't laugh, you guys help them fix the door." You scolded and they jumped to action.

"Ran and Rindou, you're welcome to stay for the night, just remember no fighting. I'll see you all in the morning". You waved walking back upstairs.

"What the fuck just happened?" Rindou asked confused.

"You got Y/N'd," Chifuyu commented from the couch.

"Welcome to the club"

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