House of the strays

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***part 3 in the 'Dont take my food story'.
Please let me know your thoughts, I love reading your comments 😊***

Draken was the first to move in, he was complaining about always hearing the girls 'working' from his room - a few lost customers had even tried to wonder into his room.

You offered him a room because why not?

You were in a big house all alone.

You hadn't realised at the time that Mikey was a packaged deal and spent 90% of his time at the house and eating all your food.

Sanzu came next, he preferred not to talk about his past and you didn't push.

The twins came not long after, you were never too sure of their situation but they moved in quickly and the others just continued after that.

Soon you housed over half of the Toman captains and vice captains. It wasn't bad, in the beginning other gangs tried to start fights at your house but when you ran out with a bat smashing their bikes you quickly earned a reputation that grew and evolved.

Living with the guys, they decided to teach you how to fight and take care of yourself. You weren't afraid to admit you'd also done some 'home alone' style upgrades to the house.

Now, no one would mess with you. The guys living with you hated dealing with you when you were mad, they were afraid of your 'creativity'. It made life a lot easier when you could boss them all around.

Today you stood on the bus with more groceries than you could carry. Sighing at the heavy load you were barely managing to hold you looked over and saw a tan boy with platinum hair and a taller boy with a short haircut and scar across his face taking up much more room than necessary.

"Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?" You called over to them, the boy with platinum hair (who you had to admit was gorgeous) scoffed at you.

"What does it look like" he asked rhetorically

"Being an ass and manspreading on an already crowded bus, there is an old lady there who could use the seat." You scolded him.

"A king doesn't move for peasants"

"Well good thing you're not a king, shove."

You forcefully moved his leg calling over the old lady, he stared at you heatedly through his white lashes

"How dare you touch me." He growled.

"How dare you be such a dick" you countered and the guy beside him quietly laughed.

"I apologise for the both of us" he said despite the protests of his friend. He had a scar covering half his face, one eye red the other pale.

"Please let us help you get your groceries home" normally you would say no, or you'd have some of your housemates with you but today you couldn't refuse. Getting onto the bus had been hard enough getting off and home would be a nightmare.

"Sure, I'd appreciate it, thank you" he gave you a sweet smile while his white haired friend huffed.

"I'm Y/N"
"Kakuchou and this is Izana"
"Lovely to meet you both, this is my stop". Despite his protests Izana took a number of bags, Kakuchou took the rest leaving you with only one.

"How did you even get this on the bus?" Izana asked surprised. You shrugged.

You made small talk with Kakuchou on the way home, Izana only mumbled and groaned.

"Aren't you afraid of showing a couple delinquents where you live? We could burn your house down or break in and steal everything" Izana tried to scare you,

"Yeah, I'd like to see you try" you laughed as your home came into view. The driveway littered with bikes.

"You didn't think all these groceries were just for me did you" you continued to laugh walking inside.

Walking through the front door you called out that you were home. In the Kitchen Draken, Sanzu, the twins and the Haitani brothers were chatting.

"Hi guys" you called, "I brought some strays" you joked.

"Hey" everyone answered.

"More? We're running out of room you know" Sanzu commented, and you raised a brow.

"They aren't moving in but you know this is a home for people without one and we always make it work" you scolded him.

"Oh, hey boss" Ran waved a Izana.

"See she got you as well" Rindou chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Kakuchou asked surprised at all the delinquents in the kitchen with more filtering in and out.

"We came here to fight Toman, got in trouble, now we have coffee or dinner here every other day" Rin explained.

"Not quite sure how it happened but it did" Ran shrugged.

"By the way, you two eat here you contribute to the food bill" you reminded them and they nodded each taking out some cash and adding it to the food money jar.

"You have dinner with our enemy! I demand you stop! Tear the house apart" Izana ordered, you smacked him on the back of the head.

"I'm in charge in this house. No fighting, no smashing shit. Now go sit down and the boys will make you lunch" he looked ready to argue but at your raised brow took a seat while the twins started making ramen. Hakkai and Chifuyu helped you pack away the groceries.

"What just happened?" Izana asked confused. He had never submitted to anyone.

"You got Y/n'd" the Haitani brothers smirked.

*** I will be closing this book off soon and starting a new one if you guys are interested. Just feel like this book is getting a bit long***

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