Secret Wife - Ran - Part 2

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You made it out of the club and gasped in the night air but you couldn't stop yet, you knew that but where could you go that he wouldn't find you? He had access to your cards so if you used them he would find you, he would check the house first, he could trace your car. You slipped into an alley and hiding in a hollow doorway praying no-one would see you. You couldn't even feel the cold around you, a numbness settling into your skin - he was out every night, how many girls had there been? You shook your head, trying to fight back the tears. Taking a shaky breath you opened your phone seeing a bunch of missed calls from Ran, he had tried texting you but you blocked his number then remembered to turn off your location.

Tilting your head back against the cold concrete you found yourself unable to stop the tears, you held a hand over your mouth to muffle the sounds escaping you.

"Ahh, there you are, you disappeared so quickly, I wanted to make sure your ok" you jumped at the voice looking at a tall man standing beside you, you didn't recognise him and you realised that he must be the guy you were dancing with.

"Ah, I'm alright thank you" you quickly wiped your cheeks and pulled yourself to your feet pulling your dress down.

"I'm guessing the tall one was your boyfriend?" he quirked an eyebrow, the dim lighting of the alley was making it hard to make out his features and you suddenly realised how trapped you were.

"No, we're nothing, thanks for checking on me but I'm fine" you tried to walk past him but he moved again blocking you.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but that looked like a lot more than nothing, never thought I'd find a way to get back at those assholes and you just fell into my lap, Haitani's little bitch" his voice was gleeful but cold.

"Let me pass" you said sternly trying to keep your voice steady.

"No can do" he smiled, suddenly you heard Ran's voice. Despite not wanting to see him you knew you were in trouble you tried to call out but the guy pinned you to the wall knocking the wind out of you and covering your nose and mouth to keep you quiet. You struggled to get him off of you but you had made it all too easy for him, you were hidden in the dark and quickly loosing consciousness.

By some miracle Ran briefly heard you, he walked down the alley and felt himself go cold when he saw you. You were pinned against the wall with someone holding your mouth and nose closed, you struggled but couldn't push them off you. Ran stormed forward hitting them away from you with his baton and catching you around the waist before you hit the ground.

"Don't touch my wife" Ran growled holding your unconscious figure beside him, he carefully lowered you to the ground hitting the guy hard enough to break his leg so he wouldn't run away before calling Rindo and picking you up. He told his brother to bring your attacker back to Boten's headquarters so he could properly punish him for hurting you.

You woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar bed, as your senses came to you, you felt a weight across you. Looking down you saw Ran asleep his head on your chest arms wrapped tightly around your waist. For a moment you felt peace, you couldn't remember the last time you had woken up with your husband beside you - then the memories of the previous night came rushing back to you, him with someone on his lap, them kissing, you being attacked...

Tears were falling silently down your face as you made your decision, you would enjoy your last morning with your husband before you left. You ran your fingers through his hair, a hum of satisfaction escaping him. He slowly woke up, eyes finding yours and widening when he saw your tears.

"Are you ok love? Are you in any pain?"

"You found me" was all you said your voice grading against your tender throat.

"I'll always find you darling" he smiled reassuringly tucking some hair behind your ear.

"I-I-" the words were stuck in your throat, unable to make it out - he was watching you desperately waiting for your next words.

"I'm sorry for last night" he said finally when you gave up trying to get the words out, "I know how it looked but I promise I have never kissed another girl before last night, I did it to get back at you. I hated seeing you dancing with someone else"

"But you had no problem with some random girl on your lap and kissing your neck?" Your tone was sharp, and he sighed. Your chest felt heavy but the spite helped you push through it.

"It was just about the appearances, I didn't want anyone digging into my life looking for you. If I had randoms seen with me no-one would ever look for you"

"Heaven forbid you lose your playboy status. I need to go" you got out of the bed but he stood in front of you stopping you. One part of your heart was trying to rationalise it, you could see why he did what he did but that didn't take away the pain.

"They all know about you, I don't need to hide us anymore" he tried to grab your hand but you pulled away, you refused to look into his eyes because you knew they would weaken you.

"It's to late Ran, thank you for saving me but this isn't going to work" you reached around your neck unclasping the necklace that held your ring.

"Y/N please don't do this, we can work this out" he pleaded grabbing your wrist and trying to make you look at him.

"No we can't, you should have never kept me a secret for this long, you shouldn't have been out every night with girls on your lap feeling you up because while you say you didn't do anything, I will never believe that. I cried myself to sleep night after night, I begged you to stay with me but you never stayed" you finally met his eyes feeling a strength within yourself.

"We're finished, I hope you have a nice life and that the next girl who gets a ring from you is treated better" you gave him a sad smile before putting the ring in his hand and slipping around him, out of his hold. You heard a thud as Ran fell to his knee's but you didn't stop, even though your heart was begging you to go back, you kept walking right out the apartment and down the hall to the elevator.

When the elevator arrived the doors opened revealing Rans younger brother Rindo, his eyes widened seeing you and as much as you didn't want to get into the elevator with him - you didn't want to risk Ran chasing after you. For a moment you both stood in silence before he spoke.

"I'm not really sure what I'm meant to say here but I guess I should start by introducing myself, I'm Rindo" he held out his hand awkwardly, your mouth involuntarily moved into a small smile.

"Y/N" you shook his hand slightly,

"I'm guessing your leaving?" he asked quietly, you just nodded trying to blink back tears.

"Well if it helps, I'm going to kick Ran's ass later" a small laugh escaped you, "So, do I still call you sister in Law or are you done with him?"

"I just need to get away, I can't trust him" you said hoping the doors would open soon.

"At least let me take you home" he said watching the doors as well.

"That's ok, I'll be fine" it was just going to be a long walk.

"Please, Ran would kill me if I let you walk home" you wanted to argue but you were quickly feeling exhausted from the night before and this morning.


The drive home was awkward and quiet, Rindo didn't know what to say and you didn't want to talk. He tried a few times to start a conversation but your silence ended them pretty quickly.

"Thank you for driving me home" you said climbing quickly out of the car.

"Y/N wait!" he called through the window, you stopped turning back to the car "I know he fucked up epically but he does love you, last night was the first time he has ever touched another woman." you shook your head.

"I appreciate you looking out for your brother but that doesn't change what I saw" you said before thanking him again and walking into your empty house. 


A/N: There will be another part to this short story that will be posted. I also have another version that is a lot darker and I'm trying to decide if I'll post that or not

If anyone has any ideas or requests I'm happy to take them. 

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