Update. Announcement.

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Hi! Thanks to everyone whos been reading all these! I didn't expect there to be such a big Ghost following on Wattpad as I never really looked around for it. As always, if you want to keep up with these as they come out and see my friends writing, you can follow @ silverandarsenic-hcs on tumblr. But I also have a super exciting announcement! 

I wrote a ghost book!! an entire book! It's called Persephone Minor and it will be up here and ao3 on January 1st!! thats exciting!! The cover and synopsis of the book have been posted to the above mentioned tumblr and also my personal blog @ arsenickatherine

If you wanna be notified when it comes out and when new chapters are made available make sure you follow me here, or on my ao3 of the same username. The first six chapters go up 1/1/2020 and its fully complete now, and im already working on the sequel. 

Anyways thanks for reading these and i hope you like them, and i hope you like my book when it's out in two days! 

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