You're Going To Be A Daddy

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A/N - This Chapter Won't Be Very Long.

Next Chapter - Either Tomorrow Or Saturday.

Hope You Like xoxo


Since Sandy approved of Maddi and Dodger's relationship the Roscoe boys had been accepting. That morning Maddi sat in the bathroom holding the pregnancy test hoping that it was negative. When the time was up she puck up the test and saw the 'Positive' word, she felt sick.

Heading downstairs she looked at Millie who was playing with Jake and smiled "hi Millie moo" Millie looked up "mama" Millie stood and toddled over to Maddi "mama up" Maddi puck Millie up "you playing with Jake?" Millie nodded "yeah, I ove him" Maddi grinned "go and play then" Maddi placed Millie down and she walked into the kitchen "mum, can I talk to you in private?" Sandy smiled "course love, we'll go upstairs" Maddi followed her mum upstairs.

Once in Maddi's room Sandy sat on Maddi's bed and looked at her daughter "what's this about?" Maddi sighed "please don't hate me" Sandy frowned "Maddi, what's wrong?" Maddi took a deep breath "I'm pregnant and its Dodger's baby" Sandy was shocked "pregnant?" Maddi nodded "I'm so sorry" Sandy sighed "Mads I don't hate you, you're my baby girl" Maddi wiped her eyes, the boys are gonna hate me" Sandy smiled "they won't. Dodger will be an amazing dad" Maddi looked up "do you think?" Sandy nodded "course".

Maddi had decided to go and speak with Dodger and tell him about the baby. While walking to the boat Joel approached "off to see him?" Maddi glared "why is it any of your business?" Joel smirked "you've left our daughter to go jump into bed with him?" Maddi rolled her eyes "for your information my daughter is at home playing with her cousin while I go and talk to my boyfriend" Maddi walked off but Joel walked after her "he doesn't deserve you Mads, he doesn't love you like I do" Maddi rolled her eyes again "that right?" Joel nodded "he won't ever love you" Maddi smirked "shows how much you know" Joel frowned "what do you mean?" Maddi grinned "you'll find out soon, you can wait" Joel watched as Maddi walked off.

Arriving at the boat Maddi took a deep breath and knocked the door. When Dodger answered he pulled Maddi inside and began kissing her "as much as I love this I need to talk too you" Dodger pulled away "what's this about?" Maddi took another deep breath "you're going to be a dad" Dodger was confused for a minute but then a grin appeared on his face "you being serious?" Maddi nodded "yeah, I took the test this morning and it was positive" Dodger grinned "you're having my baby?" Maddi again nodded "yes for the third time" Dodger smirked and kissed her "Mads, I love you" Maddi grinned "I love you too" Dodger kissed her again.

Around half an hour later Maddi and Dodger were talking about their baby "if this baby is a girl then she's gonna be a heartbreaker, like her daddy" Dodger scoffed "if this baby is a girl no bloke is getting close to her or Millie" Maddi smiled "wow, over protective much" Dodger smirked "yeah".

Dodger had just made himself and Maddi a bacon sandwich when the door knocked and Dodger went to answer it and saw Sienna standing there "hi Mark" Dodger sighed "what can I do for you?" Sienna smiled "how about you and I take Nico out for the day, as a family" Dodger sighed "Sienna, I've got my family" Sienna frowned "who? Maddi and her baby?" Dodger smiled "Maddi's pregnant with my kid" Sienna was shocked "what? She's pregnant?" Dodger nodded "yeah, we're making a go of this" Maddi came and stood by Dodger and he kissed her which made Sienna jealous "Mark, you can't seriously be having a child with her" Dodger rolled his eyes "I am, her,Millie and our baby are my family now" Sienna stormed out, Maddi and Mark hadn't heard the end of this.

Sienna was walking through the village when she saw Joel sitting by the fountain so she walked over to him "your daughter is going to have a brother or sister" Joel looked up and frowned "Maddi's pregnant?" Sienna nodded "yeah, she's at the boat with my brother now playing happy families" Joel again frowned "is Millie with them?" Sienna shook her head "no" Joel nodded "right well your brother isn't raising my daughter" Sienna sighed "then I suggest you do something about it".

Maddi was walking home just as Joel walked over "pregnant are you?" Maddi frowned "who told you?" Joel glared "guess" Maddi rolled her eyes "Sienna?" Joel nodded "he isn't taking my daughter Maddi, she's mine" Maddi scoffed "its up too Millie who she accepts into her life and she mainly likes people who have been in her life" Joel glared "I'm her dad!" Maddi went to walk off when Joel grabbed her hand "keep him away from my little girl" Maddi glared "do you know that Millie wants Dodger to be her dad" Joel frowned "what?" Maddi smirked "you heard, she wants to be Dodger's daughter, she doesn't recognise you" Maddi got Joel's hand off of her and walked off.

Arriving home Maddi heard Millie crying so she walked into the living room "Millie?" Millie looked up "mama" Maddi puck Millie up "what's wrong baba?" "You my mama?" Maddi smiled "yeah, I'm your mummy" Millie nodded "I ove you" Maddi grinned "I love you too". Sandy came into the living room "Mads, I think you should tell the boys your pregnant" Maddi sighed "okay".

Sandy got all the boys into the living room and Maddi stood "you can't go and kill anyone because it was me aswell" Joe frowned "Maddi?" Maddi took a deep breath "I'm pregnant with Dodger's baby" Joe frowned "Maddi?" Maddi sighed "don't start Joe, I want this baby and so does Dodger" Joe smiled "if its what you want" Maddi nodded "it is" Joe grinned "well, another baby Roscoe" Maddi grinned just as Millie started crying "mama" Maddi puck her baby up "you're going to be a big sister" Millie frowned "mama?" Maddi grinned and walked upstairs with Millie.

Once Maddi put Millie to bed that night she logged onto facebook -

*Maddi 'Millie' Roscoe - I love my baby girl Millie loads. She's my whole world <3 I'd be lost without her. <3

Logging off she looked over to the picture of Millie when she was new-born and smiled, she wasn't going to tell anyone else she was pregnant until she had her first scan. Falling asleep that night she couldn't help but dream about her future.


A/N - I've Got Some Names In Mind For Maddi&Dodger's Baby But If You Have Any Then Feel Free Too Tell Me.

Hope You Liked.

Bye For Now. Xoxo

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