Will They Be Okay?

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A/N - ThankYouu To Ezlovesfanfics For Commenting On The Last 2 Chapters + She's Wrote An Amazingg Story So Go Check It Out

Maddi was anxiously waiting for Ziggy to be saved from the lift shaft, Sandy was trying to coax her into eating "Mads, Ziggy won't be happy if he knows you're not eating" Maddi rolled her eyes "I'm not the least bit intrested in eating until Ziggy is okay" Sandy glared but didn't say anything.

It was another hour before they managed to get Tegan and Ziggy out and he wasn't moving "why isn't he moving? Ziggy! Wake up!" Sandy had to pry Maddi off Ziggy so he could be wheeled away "Mum! Let me go" "Maddi calm down" "NO! Let me GO" Joe had to come and hold Maddi to stop her running after Ziggy "Joe! Get off I need to be with Ziggy!" "Maddi!" She turned when she heard Rick's voice "your Mum asked you to calm down" Maddi rolled her eyes "piss off Rick" Rick went for her but Sandy stood in front of her "touch her and you'll regret it" "Sandy I was trying to help" Sandy rolled her eyes "you've never helped since she's been born" Maddi glared "Maddi behave".

Ziggy had been awake for about half an hour and Maddi was the first one to see him "I'm sorry I didn't get to you quicker" Ziggy smiled "Mads, you're 15 you couldn't have made it" Maddi smiled but lost it when Ziggy had a look of pain on him "Ziggy?" "Mads I can't feel my legs" Maddi paled "HELP!" Three nurses came in "what's wrong?" "He said he can't feel his legs" "okay, can you go outside please?" "No I'm not leaving" "get her out of here "No Ziggy!" When Maddi was outside she broke down on the floor, Sandy heard the commotion "Maddi? What happened?" "He-he can't move his l-legs" Sandy paled "come on darling it'll be alright" "what if he's paralyzed?" "Don't think like that" Maddi was in tears "Mads?" Maddi didn't want to speak "Ziggy can't feel his legs" Joe gasped, Leela came over to them "what's this about Ziggy?" "He can't feel his legs" Leela paled "he'll be alright though yeah?" Maddi shrugged "I should have gotten there quicker" "Maddi, there wasn't a lot you could do" Maddi scoffed "how's Tegan?" "Broken collar bone" Sandy smiled "well that's some good news isn't it?" Leela nodded "how's Freddie?" Sandy smirked "he'll be here for ages yet".

Ziggy had just recived the news that he was temporarily paralyzed when Maddi came in "what did they say?" "I'm gonna be in a wheelchair" Maddi paled "I'm sorry" "its not your fault" "yes it is, I'm the worst sister in the world" "you're not, you did more in that shaft then any other 15 year old has ever done in their life" Maddi sadly smiled "hey, maybe you'll get sympathy numbers" Ziggy laughed at Maddi's joke so did Leela "hey Maddi, well done for even attempting to get in there" Maddi smiled "I didn't do enough" Leela smiled "come on".

Sandy had finally convinced Maddi to go home but she was adamant that she would be at the hospital before sunrise, when they arrived home Maddi fell down onto the sofa and went straight to sleep "Maddi?" "Leave her Joe, she's had a busy, go get her duvet" Joe nodded, he came back down with Maddi's duvet and wrapped it round her "I'm off to bed night mum" "night love" Sandy sat on the other sofa watching Maddi sleep and she was glad Maddi was alright she couldn't live with it if Maddi was injured aswell,all she wanted was all her babies home with her.

When Maddi woke she snuck out the house to the hospital to see Freddie "hi Freddie" "hiya Mads" "I'm not gonna say anything about you being involved in this" Freddie smiled "thanks" "don't thank me! It was blooming stupid but for the sake of the baby I'm not saying anything"

A/N - Sorry It Wasn't Long, But I Just Wanted Too Updatee again :-) X

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