Good Luck Jason

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A/N - This Won't Be A Long Update As I Need Too Update My Stories On FFN. Xoxo

Maddi couldn't believe that Jason had been admitted to an Eating Disorder Clinic but if it helped him get better then she would support him. That day Jason was moving to the clinic so she wasn't going anywhere as she wanted to be there for her brother "what time is Jason going?" Sandy looked at Maddi "12" Maddi nodded "Kim said she can have Millie" Sandy smiled "alright".

Maddi was sitting in her room when her phone pinged, looking she saw a text from Dodger -

*Dodger - can u meet me in the folly ? X

*Maddi - I suppose I can x

Maddi got her coat on "mum I'll be back soon" Sandy nodded "where's Millie?" "Asleep in her cot" Sandy again nodded "try and be back by 11:30" Maddi smiled "I will be". Maddi left the house and made her way to the Folly. When she got there she saw Dodger "what's so important?" Dodger stood and walked over to her "I was bored" Maddi nodded "what does that have to do with me?" Dodger smirked "well I could hardly do this with myself could I?" Maddi frowned "do what?" Dodger kissed her and she kissed back. After a few minutes she pulled away "I need too go" Dodger frowned "why?" Maddi sighed "my brother is being admitted to an eating disorder clinic" Dodger nodded "what time?" "12" Dodger smirked "right you've got 2hours" Maddi grinned "fine" Dodger began kissing Maddi again "the boat?" Dodger nodded and pulled Maddi to the boat. Arriving at the boat Maddi began unbuttoning Dodger's shirt and pushed him onto the bed.

Sandy had just finished packing Jason's bag and decided to ring Maddi to see where she was -

*This Is Maddi, I'm Not Available, Leave A Message And I'll Get Back Too You*

"Maddi its mum, where are you? I need you home in 20minutes if you wanna see Jason" Sandy hung up and went to check on Millie and saw she was still asleep.

Maddi and Dodger lay in bed "what time is it?" Dodger looked on his phone 11:15" Maddi gasped "I need too go" Maddi got out of bed and got dressed "I'll probably see you later" Dodger nodded and watched as Maddi left.

Maddi arrived home with 5minutes to spare "cutting it fine aren't you Maddi? Where you been anyway?" Maddi smiled "I went to see Andrew" Sandy nodded "how is he?" Maddi grinned "he's fine, I would have been back earlier except I bumped into Joel" Sandy frowned "what happened?" Maddi shrugged "started going on about wanting to see Millie" "what did you say?" "Told him no chance" Sandy smiled "alright, well we should be off".

Arriving at the hospital Maddi was feeling scared "Mum is Jason gonna be okay?" Sandy nodded "yeah, this clinic, its to help him" Maddi smiled and nodded "I'm gonna miss him" "we all will love".

The clinic director arrived at Jason's room "Jason Roscoe? I'm Phillip Jackson, Clinic Superviser" Jason smiled "hiya" "a few rules, you must eat everything on your plate, bedtime is 10pm, no boys in girls rooms and vice versa" Maddi frowned she had no idea how Jason would cope "right Jason, time to go" Maddi hugged her brother "good luck Jason" Jason smiled "give Millie a hug from me" "I will, she's gonna miss you" Jason received hugs from his brothers and mum "call us when you can" Jason nodded.

Once Jason had gone Maddi made her way to the boat to see Dodger again. Knocking the door she grinned when he answered the door topless "now that's what I call an amazing view" Dodger grinned and pulled Maddi in pushing her against the wall kissing her with passion "wasn't expecting you again" Maddi grinned "had nothing better to do".

Maddi returned home and went to see Millie "there is mummy' beautiful girl" Millie smiled "Maddi where you been?" "Just walking, I'm missing Jason" Sandy nodded "he'll be alright" Maddi smiled "hope so".

Maddi went to bed that night but before she did she update her facebook status -

Maddi'Millie Roscoe - Missing My Brother @Jason Roscoe Heaps :'( Want Him Back. For Anyone Who Likes My Music Video's I Shall Be Uploading A New One Tomorrow And The Cover Will Be 'Teenage Dream By Katy Perry' P.S Millie Is Crawling (: xoxo

After uploading the status she fell asleep.

A/N - Hope You Likeed The Update Xoxo

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