You Want My Baby?

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A/N - I've Had Some Awesome Idea's For Maddi And The Baby And I'm Going Too Attempt Too Use Them All So I Thank Everyone Who Has Sent Idea's And I'm Gonna Do The Storyline Like When Amy Gave Her Baby Too Kathy Too Raise But Then Wanted Her Back Xx

Maddi was confused, she had no idea about what to do with the baby, part of her thought adoption would be best but the other part couldn't bare handing over an innocent little baby over to a pair of strangers. That day she was going for a walk in the village when Rick approached her "alright Maddi?" Maddi glared "what?" "You figured out what you're doing with that thing yet?" Maddi frowned "that thing is a baby!" Rick rolled his eyes "Maddi, you're not suitable enough for a baby, look at how messed up you are" Maddi felt tears in her eyes "what?" "You heard me, the depression, the self harm? There's not a social worker in the world that would let you raise a baby" Maddi was crying now "I hate you so much! I wish Fraser were still alive instead of you" Rick slapped her "wow, hitting a pregnant teenager? Pathetic".

Grace had heard the conversation between Rick and Maddi "Maddi are you alright?" Maddi nodded "just certain people affecting my hormones" Grace smiled "Rick I believe she wants you too leave her alone" Rick frowned "she's my daughter" Maddi rolled her eyes "I've never wanted you as a father" Rick took a step towards Maddi but Grace stood in front of her "touch her and you'll regret it" Rick walked away leaving Maddi and Grace "thanks for that" "no worries, but maybe you could do something for me" Maddi frowned "what?" "I heard you don't want your baby" Maddi looked confused "what?" "Maddi I want your baby" "you want my baby?" Grace nodded "yeah, its perfect, you have a baby you don't want, I want a baby" Maddi walked away confused about everything.

When she returned home she saw her mum and Lindsey talking "what's going on?" Sandy looked at Maddi "listen love, have you decided what too do with the baby yet?" Maddi sighed "I should have known, that's all anyone cares about is this baby" Sandy frowned "what's happened?" "Grace she came up too me in the street and asked me too hand the baby over to her" Sandy looked angry "she what?" "She asked me for the baby" "she shouldn't be doing that" "well she did" Maddi walked upstairs and slammed the bedroom door behind her.

Sitting on her bed Maddi started rubbing her stomach "listen little baby, don't you ever think for one minute that I didn't want you because I did, I'm too young to be a mummy, but whoever ends up having you will be lucky but remember that your birth mummy loved you".

Sandy heard what Maddi was saying and she had an idea but needed Lindsey to listen too the idea, heading downstairs she saw Lindsey and Freddie playing with their son "Linds I need a word" Lindsey handed baby Jake to Freddie and followed Sandy into the kitchen "what's this about?" "Maddi's baby" "what about Maddi's baby?" "I think me or you should raise it" Lindsey frowned "what?" Sandy sighed "its obvious she wants her baby but she's scared" Lindsey sighed "that would be hard for her" "Lindsey its gonna be hard watching her hand her baby over to complete strangers" Lindsey sighed "is it what she wants?" Sandy shrugged "I haven't asked her about it yet" "right well I think she should know".

Maddi was considering Grace's offer to let her have the baby but she also wanted too keep her baby. She was currently sitting on her bed on facebook. -

*Maddi Roscoe - So Confused About What Too Do! Give My Baby Too A Pair Of Criminals Or Too Complete Strangers :'( Xx*

She started crying when her mum walked in "Maddi you alright?" Maddi wiped her eyes "yeah I'm fine" "right well me and Lindsey were talking about it and how about you let me or her raise the baby" Maddi looked confused "you want my baby aswell?" "Trust me love its hard having to hand over a baby" "how would you know?" "I've seen people go through adoption" "right, well you want my baby and Grace does, I don't know what too do" "would you really let Grace Black raise your baby? Maddi think about it, the poor thing will be living with criminals" "I know mum but I really don't know what too with it" Sandy sighed "well if you wanna discuss it more then you know where I am" "thanks mum" Sandy left Maddi's room leaving her too think could she let her mum or sister raise her baby.

A/N - Should Grace&Trevor Have The Baby Or Shall Maddi Let Sandy Or Lindsey Raise It ? + Hope Youu Enjoyeed The Updatee Xx

Maddi Roscoe - A Hollyoaks Fanfic!Where stories live. Discover now