Trip To A&E Reveals It

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A/N - Enjoy Xx

Maddi was sinking futher into depression and it was worrying Sandy, all she wanted was her baby girl to be better and be like the bubbly girl she used too be. It was nearing 9:30 and Maddi was still in bed so Sandy decided to go an get her up "Maddi love you getting up?" "No my stomach is hurting like mad" Sandy sighed "come on, I'll get you some paracetemol" Maddi nodded and got out of bed following her mum downstairs "morning Maddi" "morning Joe" "Mum's going out today so you're stuck with me I'm afraid" Maddi smiled "how I'm honoured" Joe grinnned "don't be cheeky" Maddi smirked "I love you really Joesph" Joe grinned again "come on kiddo, let's go pig out" Maddi laughed "yeah you're a food addict" "I'm a bloke Mads".

Maddi and Joe were having fun just watching movies and munching on food they knew their mum wouldn't like. After a few hours Maddi and Joe were watching bridesmaids when she felt a shooting pain across her stomach but thought it was down to her period "Maddi you alright?" "Yeah I've just got a stomach pains" Joe frowned "you wanna go to hospital?" Maddi shook her head "I'm fine, its probably my period" Joe nodded "if you're sure?" Maddi nodded "I'm fine" "right come on munchkin, I feel like a milkshake" Maddi grinned "go make me one?" Joe nodded "thanks".

A few hours later Maddi was lying on her bed when the stomach pain came back but even more intense "ouch!" Joe heard Maddi's cries and ran upstairs "Maddi? What's wrong?" "My stomach is seriously hurting" Joe saw the pain in Maddi's eyes "come on, I'm taking you to the hospital" Maddi sighed "Joe I'm gonna be fine" "tough Maddi, you're going" Maddi groaned "fine".

Joe and Maddi arrived at A&E thinking the pain was something to with her appendix "Joe I don't want them too cut me open" "they won't" "you don't know that" "I do" before Maddi could speak her name was called "Maddi Roscoe?" Maddi stood "Joe will you come with me?" Joe nodded and followed his sister.

"Maddi what seems too be the problem?" "I've had a stomach pain all day and its getting worse" "okay I'm going to perform a scan and see if we can find out what the problem is" Maddi nodded and the nurse began the scan "Maddi? Did you know you were pregnant?" Maddi paled "what? I can't be, I did a test a few weeks ago and it was negative and at the doctors" "Maddi you're 8weeks pregnant" Maddi started crying while Joe didn't know what too say "how could both the tests be negative?" The nurse shook her head "I'm not sure" Maddi was hyperventalating "Maddi, calm down" she wasn't listening "Maddi, come on munchkin breathe". After 10minutes Joe had calmed Maddi down "let's get you home, we need too tell mum" Maddi paled "no I don't want too, they're all gonna hate me" "they won't" "yes they will" "come on".

Sandy was at home when the front door opened and Maddi went running upstairs "Maddi?" Sandy turned to Joe "what happened?" "She had stomach pains all day and so I took her to the hospital" "and?" Joe took a deep breath "she's pregnant mum" Sandy paled "what? She did a test though it was negative" "I know" "I want to talk to her alone" Joe nodded and watched as his mum walked upstairs.

Maddi was crying on her bed when the door opened "Maddi?" "Go away" Sandy sighed "Joe told me" Maddi started crying harder "I'm really sorry" "hey its not your fault" "yes it is, I was the stupid one" Sandy pulled her daughter into her arms "darling things like this happen, but the thing is I'm here for you" Maddi smiled through the tears "I'm sorry mum" "shh its alright" "will you tell the boys?" Sandy nodded "course".

Sandy sat the boys down on the sofa "where's Joe?" "He already knows about this" Ziggy frowned "mum?" "Its Maddi" "what's wrong with Maddi?" "She's pregnant" Freddie, Ziggy and Robbie looked angry while Lindsey was shocked "is she alright Sand?" Sandy shook her head "she's terrified" "I'll go speak with her?" "I'd leave her for now yeah? She needs time to deal with it" Lindsey nodded "alright well if she needs me I'm here" Sandy smiled "thanks love".

Maddi was sat on her bed thinking about things and how she wished she had never moved to Hollyoaks Village as since she did her life had gone downhill.

Robbie had to get out the house and take a breather his baby sister was pregnant. He was walking through the village when he walked into Rick "alright Rob?" "No I aint" "what's wrong?" "Its Maddi, she's pregnant" Rick got angry "what? She's 15!" "I know, mum's at home with her now" Rick took off to the Roscoe house and started banging on the door, when Joe answered he barged past as Maddi walked downstairs "got something you wanna tell me Maddi?" Maddi paled "n-no" "you're pregnant?" Maddi was crying "don't start the waterworks, its your own fault" Sandy walked downstairs behind her "who the hell do you think you're talking to?" "Her" Sandy was furious " don't ever talk too her like that again, in fact I think you should leave" Joe and Freddie looked at Rick "you heard her, get out" Rick looked at Maddi with disgust in his eyes but left the house leaving Maddi in hysterics "Maddi darling calm down" Maddi shook her head "he's right I'm horrid" "no you aren't" "I am" "ignore him Mads, he doesn't know what he's on about, he was probably drunk" Maddi sighed "I'm going too bed" "night love" "night".

A/N - Hope U Enjoyeed Xxx

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