One Night Can Lead Too A Scare

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A/N - Massive Thanks Too DaynaReynolds123 For The Idea For This Chapter Xx

Maddi hadn't spoken to Joe in over a week but she really didn't care, if she was honest she was getting fed up of him trying to control her. That night she was going round to Joel's and she was going to sleep with him but she had told her mum that Andrew was having a sleepover.

Maddi had just left for school and was meeting up with Andrew "morning my red haired friend" Maddi grinned "morning" "where's your scottish hunk of a boyfriend?" Maddi shrugged "probably at home" Andrew nodded "let's go" they started their way too school when Holly approached them "hiya" Maddi rolled her eyes "you still not talking to me Maddi?" "No I'm not" Holly rolled her eyes "well you're being stupid" "you what?" "You heard" Maddi glared "this is stupid" "what?" "You two, you're both best friends, Holly leaving Maddi to go off with Jason is bad" "I know but he's my boyfriend" "and Maddi was your best friend before you even got with Jason" Holly sighed "I'm helping him get off the steroids but its not helping with her being shacked up with the drug dealer's son" Maddi glared "Joel is nothing like his father, he's much better" "I'm sorry" Maddi scoffed Holly always apologised when she was wrong "whatever, I'll forgive you this once, do it again and no chance" Holly nodded "come on then, we're gonna be late" Maddi rolled her eyes "its only school and that's boring as hell".

As soon as school finished Maddi rushed straight home to get ready "mum I'm going to Andrew's tonight for a sleepover" "right, well make sure you behave" "I'm always good" "yeah right Maddi and I'm the queen of England" Maddi grinned "if you were then we woulnt be living in this village" Sandy rolled her eyes "true love". When Maddi was finally ready she went into the kitchen where her mum and brothers were "mum I'm off" Joe frowned "where you off too?" Maddi glared "not that its any of your business but I'm going to Andrew's sleepover" "right" "have you stopped questioning me now so I can go?" Joe nodded "bye mum" "see you love".

Maddi arrived at Joel's and when he answered the door she kissed him "that was unexpected" Maddi grinned "that's me" Joel kissed her again "you sure you wanna do this?" Maddi nodded "I wanna forget what Finn did too me" Joel smiled and pulled Maddi into the bedroom where he began undressing her and then pushed her onto the bed.

When Maddi returned home she was tired "Mum I'm home" "have a nice time?" "Yeah thanks" Sandy came into the hallway where Maddi was "you look tired" "I am, me and Andrew didn't go to sleep until 3am" Sandy grinned "have an early night tonight then" "that was my plan".


Maddi was panicking as she was a week late. That day she was going to buy a test and do it at Andrew's "mum I'll be back later" "alright love" Maddi went to the chemist in town as if she got one from price slice then someone would find out. She brought the test but paled when she saw Freddie glaring at her "what you got that for?" Maddi couldn't speak and she paled even more when she saw Joe approaching "Maddi! What the hell" "its not mine" Joe rolled her eyes "who's then? Andrew's? That's funny" "okay its mine" "home now" Maddi had no choice but to follow her brothers.

When Joe, Freddie and Maddi returned home Joe was furious "mum come here" Sandy came down the stairs "what's happened?" "Guess who's had to buy a pregnancy test" "who" "Maddi" Sandy looked angry "you what?" "Its hers" "Maddi come upstairs with me" Maddi went to her mum "I'm sorry mum" Sandy sighed "me and you, we're gonna go upstairs and do this test" Maddi nodded and followed her mum upstairs "in your room Maddi" Sandy sat on the bed "come here" Maddi hugged her mum "I'm really sorry" "I know darling, why didn't you tell me?" Maddi shrugged "I didn't want everyone going on at me" "Maddi you should have told me" "I don't wanna be pregnant though mum, I'm too young" "if you are then I'll help you yeah? And your brothers will" Maddi was crying "go and do it then" Maddi went into the bathroom and did the test. After doing the test she walked back into her room where her mum was waiting for her "well?" Maddi shrugged "I don't know, will you tell me?" Sandy nodded "course" Maddi handed Sandy the test and sat on her bed "Maddi, times up" Maddi paled as Sandy looked at the test "its negative, you're not pregnant" Maddi let out a sigh of relief "thank god" "Mads, next time come and talk too me yeah? Saves going through this alone" "I will, thanks mum" Sandy smiled.

Joe was waiting downstairs when Sandy came down "Mum what's the results?" "She aint prgnant" Joe sighed "is she alright?" "Scared and shaken up but she'll be alright" Joe nodded "I'm gonna go and see her" "I wouldn't just yet Joe, she's upset".

Joe had waited enough and wait to see Maddi "Maddi, can I come in?" "Sure" Joe walked into Maddi's room and saw her sitting on the bed "you alright?" Maddi shook her head "listen munchkin, you're not pregnant so everything is gonna be okay" Maddi shrugged "oh well" Joe hugged his little sister as she cried "let it all out" "I'm so sorry Joe" "I know come on, just cry".

Maddi had cried as much as she could and fell asleep in her brother's arms so Joe tucked her in "Joe what was all that about?" "I think this is gonna knock her back" Sandy sighed "I know, she's gonna be scared again" "pregnancy shouldn't be scary though" "Joe, she's 15 it would be scary for her" "I know, she's asleep now" Sandy nodded " let's just leave her tonight, she needs the sleep" "right".

A/N - Hopee U Enjoyeed, If There's Anything You Want Too Happen In This Story Then PM Me Xxx

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