A Wedding And A Crash

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A/N - Eeeeek! Two Things Too Be Excited For 1) I Just Saw The Coca Cola Holidays Are Coming Advert & 2) - Hollyoaks First Look Was AMAZINGG!!

A/N 2 - I'm Gonnaa Be Puttingg My Own Spin On The Train Crash Episode Xx

Maddi wasn't the slightest bit happy, Lindsey and Sandy had brought her the girliest dress they could find for Porsche McQueen's wedding which the whole Roscoe family had been invited "why do I have to wear this? It looks like something Kathleen-Angel would wear" Sandy smirked "you look cute" Maddi glared at her "you're not funny mother" Sandy grinned "Mads I'm your mother I'm not supposed to be funny".

Arriving at the church Maddi saw Robbie "where were you last night you dirty stop out?" Robbie grinned and winked "having the night of my life" Maddi frowned "what? With who?" Robbie winked again "ooo I'm so telling mum" Robbie smirked and they headed into the church. Maddi was getting bored as Porsche walked down the isle she saw the dress and turned to Holly "I'm so getting a dress like that when I get married" Holly grinned "what with the lights?" Maddi nodded "oh yes" "girls, be quiet".

When the wedding was over everyone went to the train station for the party train "oh my gosh, this is amazing" Porsche turned to Maddi "I know, your dress is cute" Maddi smiled "thanks, yours is amaze" Porsche smiled "all aboard" Maddi and Holly got on the train while Sandy hung back "Linds, I'm gonna go home, headache" "alright shall I get Maddi?" Sandy shook her head "na, leave her, she deserves some fun" Lindsey nodded "okay".

The train was speeding down the track, Maddi and Holly were dancing with Theresa and Robbie was flirting with Celine McQueen "I thought Robbie was with Phoebe?" Maddi turned to see Robbie "he is, I think" Holly grinned "wish Jase was here" Jason wasn't allowed to the wedding as Sandy wanted to keep him away from his friends as punishment for the steroids "yeah, he needs to be isolated so he stays off the steroids" Holly nodded.

When Sandy got home she saw Jason sitting on the xbox with Joe "alright boys?" "Thought you were at a wedding?" Sandy shook her head "I was, got headache" Freddie nodded "where's Maddi?" "She stayed with Lindsey and Freddie" Joe nodded and carried on playing on the xbox with Jason. Sandy decided to text Lindsey to see how Maddi was -

*Sandy - Linds, how's Maddi?*

*Lindsey - she's okay, dancing with Holly*

*Sandy - good, I'll see you later*

Little did Sandy know that Maddi and everyone else were in danger.

Maddi was looking for her mum "Lindsey, where's my mum?" "She went home, she had headache" Maddi nodded and went back to Holly with a drink for each of them "Hols,here" "thanks" Freddie walked over to her "Mads you okay?" Maddi nodded "just got a feeling is all" Freddie smiled and gave his sister a hug "you're gonna be all good Mads" Maddi smiled "love you Fredrick" Freddie mock-glared at Maddi.

Maddi had just been to the bathroom when she felt the train hit something and go flying off the track and crash back down causing her to fall to the ground unconcious.

Freddie and Lindsey were dancing when the train crashed and fell onto its side and Freddie and Lindsey went unconcious.

When Freddie woke up he saw flames and Lindsey lying on the ground "Linds, Lindsey wake up" Lindsey's eyes opened "Freddie? What happened?" "The train crashed" Freddie helped her up "Freddie, where's Maddi?" Freddie looked round and couldn't see Maddi anywhere "Maddi?". Lindsey saw Holly "Holly, have you seen Maddi?" "She went to the bathroom, but I haven't seen her since" Freddie paled and went towards the carriage where the bathroom was "Maddi? Come on kiddo answer me" after hearing nothing he was panicking "Maddi this isn't funny where are you?" Lindsey came over to Freddie "you found her yet?" Freddie shook his head "we need to call mum" Lindsey nodded "we need to get out".

Maddi woke up and felt blood down her face and she saw a beam on her ankle "damn it" she got to work pushing the beam off her ankle so she could get up and get off the train. After 5minutes she got it off her ankle and stood but felt incredibly weak, standing up she looked for an exit finding one at the end of the carriage she hobbled down to it.

Sandy was watching the news when what she saw made her heart stop


"Joe!" Joe heard his mum's shout and went running in "mum what's wrong?" "That's the train that Freddie,Maddi and Robbie are on" Joe paled "we need to get down there" Sandy shook her head "we need to be at the hospital, they won't allow anyone at the scene" Joe nodded.

Freddie didn't know what to do he wasn't leaving without Maddi "Linds, where is she?" "I don't know Freddie". Maddi had just got off the train which was on its side jumping down she fell over.

Holly had saw Maddi sitting on the floor "Maddi!" Freddie heard Holly's voice and turned to where she was looking he let out a sigh of relief and went to get his sister "Maddi? Are you okay?" Maddi shook her head "my legs I can't move them" Freddie paled and puck Maddi up.

The police, fire brigade and ambulance service arrived and Maddi was seen to immediatley "okay she's losing conciousness" Freddie couldn't say nothing as his sister was taken away in the ambulance.

When the ambulance got to the hospital Maddi was taken straight to ICU "Maddi Roscoe, 15 years old, train crash, spine is compressed and she's losing conciousness"...

As Freddie and Lindsey were both fine they were free to go home but they wanted to go to the hospital with Maddi. When they got there they saw Sandy "Freddie, Lindsey you both okay?" Freddie nodded "where's Maddi?" Freddie paled "Freddie, where is she?" "She was caught up in the crash and she couldn't feel her legs, they've brought her here" Sandy nodded and went to find her daughter "excuse me, where is my daughter?" The recepionist looked up "who's your daughter?" "Maddi Roscoe" "Intensive Care Unit" Sandy nodded and headed to the ICU ward.

Sandy, Joe, Freddie,Ziggy, Jason and Robbie were waiting outside the room where Maddi was when the doctor came out "is Maddi okay?" The doctor sighed "her spine has been compressed in the crash and she has a severe head injury causing her to fall into a coma" Sandy nodded "is she gonna be okay?" The doctor looked at Sandy "she could be temporarily paralyzed" Sandy paled when Joe spoke up "will she walk again?" The doctor smiled "there's a 5%chance she'll be disabled for the rest of her life so the odds are good" Sandy nodded "can we see her" the doctor nodded "one at a time".

Sandy went into the room first and sighed Maddi once again looked lifeless "Maddi, I'm never letting you out of my sight again, everytime I do you end up in hospital" Sandy was seriously regretting moving to Hollyoaks as since she had Maddi had been through a lot and they had only been here a year and half.

A/N - Hopee You Enjoyeed xx

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