Seeing Her Brothers Again

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A/N - I'm Shocked Over 4k Reads! Wow Never Expected Thaa! ThankYouu To Everyone Who Has Read This :-) Youu Guys Are Awesome Xx

Maddi had fell asleep in the car on the way back home "she looks tired" Sandy nodded "yeah, when we get back she's gonna have something to eat and then she's going to bed" Joe nodded "what about Chinese, I know that you can't be bothered to cook" "yeah, I best ring your brothers, ask them if they want anything" Sandy got her phone out


Ziggy - hello?

Sandy - Ziggy, we're on our way back, we've got Maddi

Ziggy - thank god, is she alright?

Sandy - yeah, she's hungry and tired, we're getting chinese you want your normal?

Ziggy - yeah

Sandy - ask Robbie and Jason

Ziggy - they said their normal

Sandy - alright, when we get back don't question Maddi

Ziggy - honest Mum, I'm just glad she's okay

Sandy - see you soon love


Sandy hung up just as Maddi woke "alright darling?" Maddi nodded "I don't want Rick to know I'm back" Sandy smiled "he's not allowed by you again" Maddi nodded "I'm sorry I ran but it seemed like my only choice" "Maddi, if you wanna talk when we get home then I'm all ears" Maddi smiled "missed you mummy" Sandy grinned "come on".

They stopped off at the Chinese and Joe went in while Freddie and Sandy stayed with Maddi "Mads, you look cold" "I am" Freddie took his jacket off and gave it her "is Ziggy home?" Sandy nodded "he's been worried about you" Maddi smiled.

When they pulled up outside the house they saw Rick standing outside "Mum I don't want him here" getting out the car Rick approached "Maddi darling you're back" Sandy pulled Maddi behind her "leave her alone Rick" "Sandy, I wanna apologise to her" Sandy rolled her eyes "just go Rick, she doesn't want to see you" Rick was getting angry "let me speak to my daughter" Sandy glared but Joe spoke "Rick trying to frighten my mum aint good so don't attempt it! And my sister says she doesn't want you by her" Rick went to leave but before he did he turned to Sandy "I'm going for full custody of her" Maddi paled as Rick left "Mum, don't let him" "he won't and even if he did, he wouldn't win" Maddi nodded.

Jason answered the door and pulled his little sister into his arms "you ever do anything like that again, I'll hide your phone" Maddi grinned "take it you missed me" Jason nodded "like mad" Robbie came down when he heard Maddi "come here you" Maddi ran into Robbie's arms and when Ziggy came in, in his wheelchair he pulled Maddi onto his lap "don't ever leave me again" "I won't".

Joe had decided to go to the hutch and tell everyone that Maddi was back, entering he walked over to Tony "Tony is it alright if I make an announcement?" "Yeah of course" "thanks" Joe went to stand on the little stage "I wanna thank everyone in helping in the search for Maddi, but I've got some news" everyone looked up each hoping it was good new "Maddi is back home and she's safe and sound" everyone let out a sigh of relief and Patrick stood "I'm glad she's back, tell her to take as much time as she needs" Joe nodded "thanks" Tony came over "where was she?" "In London, she got scared of Rick and ran" Tony nodded "well, next time she comes here free meal for her" Joe smiled "thanks Tony, she'll aprreciate that" "my pleasure".

When Joe got back he saw Maddi sitting on the stairs "you alright?" Maddi shook her head"its weird being back here" "I know kid, it'll be alright" Maddi nodded and went in the kitchen "I'm going to bed" "night love" "night all".

Rick was pacing his flat he had to get custody of Maddi and get her away from Sandy who was turning her against him, without Sandy in her life she would become a daddy's girl.

A/N - Oooo, Will Rick Get Custody Of Maddi? Will Sandy Let Her Daughter Be Taken Away From Her? Hopee Youu Likeed It, Xxx

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