A Row With Jason.

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A/N - Sorry I've Not Updated This Story, Hope U Like The Update xoxo

Maddi had been back in school for a few days and she hated every minute so far, all she wanted to do was be back at home with her mum and Millie. Heading back home from school she heard Jason and Holly arguing "look either you accept you need help or I'll tell your mum and your brothers" Jason looked annoyed "this is nothing to do you, so back off" Jason stormed off leaving Holly crying "Holly?" Holly looked at Maddi "oh hiya" Maddi frowned "what's wrong?" "I think Jason's dumped me" Maddi gasped "come here" Maddi gave Holly a hug "I'm here if you wanna chat yeah?" Holly nodded "actually you wanna come out tonight?" Maddi smiled and nodded "yeah" Holly grinned "meet me here in about 3 hours?" Maddi again nodded.

When Maddi got home she saw Millie in the walker smiling "Millie moo" Millie looked up and smiled "Maddi? Is that you?" Maddi rolled her eyes "no, its the Easter bunny, course its me" Sandy walked into the living room where Maddi was "alright?" Maddi nodded "I'm going out with Holly tonight" Sandy nodded "have you spoke to Grace yet?" Maddi shook her head "I'm kinda building up to that" Sandy grinned "you're chickening out aren't you?" Maddi nodded "yes mam" Sandy laughed "go on, get ready" Maddi grinned and ran upstairs.

Jason came back and he was angry "oi why did you dump Holly?" Jason glared at her "because like you, she's an interfering cow" Maddi rolled her eyes and glared at him "have you ever thought that maybe we care? Or you too busy hyped up on steroids?" Jason scoffed "steroids? Mads I don't need them anymore" Maddi again rolled her eyes "Jason, you've lost probably the best thing that's ever happened to you" Jason glared "oh really? What about Mille? One minute you're here mum the next you're letting mum raise her" Maddi felt tears sting her eyes "what you gonna turn the waterworks on? They don't work with me anymore! You're the tart who got knocked up" Maddi glared "you know what? Stay away from me" Maddi walked downstairs to where her mum was "alright love?" Maddi nodded "I'm fine" Sandy frowned "you been crying?" Maddi shook her head "no I'm fine" Sandy sighed "Mads if you wanna talk then I'm here" Maddi smiled "thanks mum" Sandy smiled "its what I'm here for" Maddi grinned "I'm gonna go meet Holly".

Meeting with Holly Maddi decided not to tell her about the row with Jason "alright?" Holly grinned and nodded "good, let's go".

In the club Maddi saw Dodger and walked up to him "you look lonely" Dodger smirked "I'm fine" Maddi grinned "yeah right" Dodger laughed "you look like your mum" Maddi rolled her eyes "oh yeah, I forgot that you slept with my mum" Dodger smirked "how could you forget? Seeing my body" Maddi laughed "your body? That the best you got?" Dodger rolled his eyes "I could show you but you're underage" Maddi smirked "that's where you're wrong because I'm 16 therefore I'm over the legal age" Dodger looked over Maddi with intrest "want a drink?" Maddi nodded and Dodger got her a drink.

After a load of drinks Maddi was hardly standing up "I nee-need to go ho-home" Dodger smirked "I'll walk you" Maddi grinned and they left the club. When they got outside Maddi stuumbled into the alley and pulled Dodger with her, she had to lean against the wall, looking at Dodger she pulled him towards her and she kissed him. After a few seconds Dodger pulled away "let's go back to mine" Maddi nodded and they went back to the boat where Maddi forgot all about the argument with Jason.

The next morning Maddi woke up and frowned she wasn't in her own bed "what the?" Maddi rolled her eyes "wow, you're sleeping beauty aren't you?" Dodger grinned "and you're a fiesty devil" Maddi rolled her eyes "I've gotta go" Dodger winked "I'll keep the bed warm for you" Maddi rolled her eyes but laughed "bye Marcus" Dodger glared "don't call me that" Maddi winked "bye".

Maddi arrived home to see her mum,Ziggy,Freddie,Lindsey and Robbie glaring at her "where the hell have you been?" Maddi grinned "I stayed with Andrew, he came with us" Sandy nodded "right and you couldn't have rung to let us know?" "My battery went dead, where's Millie?" Sandy sighed "she's in the living room asleep" Maddi nodded "I need sleep" Sandy frowned "I thought you slept at Andrew's?" "I did but we didn't actually fall asleep until half 4" Sandy nodded "right, get your head down then" Maddi smiled "I will, thanks mum".

When she got in her room she decided to text Dodger -

*Maddi - thank u 4 last night, appreciate it x

*Dodger - no worries, now let me suffer me hangover x

*Maddi - I'm going back 2 bed, night ;) x

*Dodger - don't rub it in x

*Maddi - Lol, bye x

*Dodger - txt u l8r x

Maddi fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

A/N - Hope You Liked Xoxo

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