Ella's Coming Home

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A/N - this isn't gonna be a long update.

Let me know your thoughts.

Ella was two days old and she was ready to go home, Maddi couldn't wait to see Millie as she missed  her heaps. When Dodger arrived at the hospital Maddi was pacing, she hated being in hospitals as they gave her the creeps "you alright?" Maddi shook her head "no, I hate these places" Dodger laughed "come on".

Arriving back at the boat Maddi noticed the pink balloons "that was Dirk, went overboard" Maddi grinned "he's sweet" Dodger laughed. Entering Dirk came up to them "let's meet the little lady then" Dodger handed the carseat to Dirk and watched as he took Ella from the seat.

Sandy had just arrived to bring Millie back "mama" Maddi grinned "come here" Millie came running over and Maddi puck her baby girl up "I missed you heaps" Millie giggled and Dodger came in "Odge" Maddi put Millie down and she toddled over to Dodger who puck her up "alright little monkey" Millie pointed to Ella's moses basket "baba seep shh" Dodger grinned "yeah shh" Millie giggled again "down" Dodger put her down and she sat next to the moses basket.

Dodger had to go over to the emporium to help Dirk so Maddi sat on the sofa with Millie while Ella slept "mama me ove you" Maddi grinned "I love you too" Millie nodded "yay, and baba?" Maddi nodded "yeah".

Maddi was making a sandwich when the door  knocked "mama door" Maddi grinned "I heard" Maddi answered the door, paling when she saw who was there "Maddi listen to me" Maddi glared "go away Joel, you've done enough damage" Maddi tried to close the door but Joel put his foot there "that little girl in there is mine, you can't stop me seeing her" Maddi glared "just get lost Millie hates you, I don't blame her" Maddi pushed Joel out the way and closed the door.

Joel was standing outside so Maddi got her phone and text Dodger -

Maddi - You need 2 come back to the boat now! x

Dodger - Why? x

Maddi - Joel's standing outside, he won't leave x

Dodger - On my way x

Maddi noticed Millie looked scared "mama I want Odge" Maddi smiled "he's coming" Millie nodded.

Dodger returned and Millie  went running over to him "Odge the bad man been" Dodger puck Millie up "the bad man's gone" Millie nodded "okay, he no takes me again?" Dodger smiled "he's not gonna take you again" Millie grinned "yay".

Once Millie and  Ella were in bed Maddi sat on the sofa "tired" Dodger grinned "go bed then" Maddi looked up "I will" Dodger grinned again "night Mads" Maddi smiled "night".

Maddi fell asleep that night but she couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

A/N - I'm not too keen on this update but I felt like I owed you all one.

Let me know your thoughts and If you have any ideas then leave them in  a PM and I'll get back to you.

Hope you liked.

Bye for now. Xo

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