Meeting Fraser Black

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A/N - I Decided To Skip The One Where Robbie Gets Kicked Out As I Had It All Typed Out But Couldn't Find It So I'm Skipping To When Sandy's Boys and Maddi Meet Fraser :-)

Maddi had though there was something weird about Sandy lately and she wanted to know why. She went to see Ziggy at the garage. When she got there Ziggy came out to see Maddi "alright Mads?" "Yeah, have you noticed anythings up with Mum?" Ziggy nodded "yeah like she's loved up" Maddi grimaced at the thought of her Mum being in love "eugh!" Ziggy laughed when Sandy came "Ziggy have you seen Maddi?" She couldn't see Maddi as she was sitting in the back "Mum she's here" "when did she come here?" "About 10minutes" Sandy rolled her eyes " Maddi come on, you're coming with me" "where?" "Out come on" Maddi gave her brother a hug Ziggy smiled as he watched his sister walk off with their Mum

Maddi noticed they were by college coffee "Why are you bringing me here? I hate coffee" Sandy smiled " I'm bringing you to meet someone" Maddi looked confused "Who?" "You'll see" Sandy took her into college coffee and found who she was looking for "Fraser" the person Maddi assumed was Fraser stood up to greet Sandy "Fraser this is my youngest Maddi" Fraser smiled at Maddi and said " its lovely to meet you darling" Maddi smiled "same" Sandy noticed Maddi shaking " er Fraser I'm just gonna have a quick word with Maddi" "sure shall I get you both a coffee" "She doesn't drink coffee" "hot chocolate then" Fraser smiled Sandy took Maddi outside " I wanted you too meet him first because you don't give me any trouble but the boys will" Maddi nodded "OK" Sandy smiled. They went back in and saw Fraser with a hot chocolate and two coffee's Maddi smiled "Thank You Fraser" "your welcome" Sandy and Maddi sat down " So Maddi your Mum tells me you want to be a singer" Maddi looked annoyed at her Mum " yeah but that's not gonna happen" "why not" "singing is for people who have the time to sit there writing songs I don't, I do cover versions but put my own spin on it" "you'll have to play for me sometime" Maddi smiled " I don't know about that" "your Mum can be there" Maddi nodded "OK" "great I own the club in the village" "I thought Trevor Royale owned that?" " No he runs it, I own it" "Oh".

**30 Minutes Later**

Maddi and Sandy had just arrived back home and Maddi was bored so she decided to BBm Holly

**Maddi - Holly, Wuu2 xxx**

**Holly - nm at home wbu xxx**

**Maddi - wanna come round?I'm bored xxx**

**Holly - Yhyh b round in a bit xxx**

**Maddi - kk xxx**

"Mum, Holly coming round is that OK?" "Yeah" Jason looked happy that Holly was coming "lay off her" Maddi warned him " go away munchkin" "MUM! Jasons telling me to go away" "Jason be nice" Maddi gave him a look that said 'HA' which was received with a glare they carried on glaring at each other until the doorbell went they both raced there until Maddi got there first "Holly" "Hey" "come in" Holly followed Maddi "hi Jason" " uhh Hi" "he's got the hots for you" Holly looked flattered "aw" Maddi laughed "come on let's go upstairs" Holly followed her upstairs "Wow why didn't you tell me you could sing* Maddi noticed Holly lookin at her piano and microphone " oh I can't really I just mess around" "these say different, play something for me?" Maddi sighed "which song?" "Erm Clarity" Maddi got to her piano

**High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life**

**Fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time**

**Hold still right before we crash 'cause we both know how this ends**

**A clock ticks 'til it breaks your glass and I drown in you again**

'**Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need**

**Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why**

**If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?**

**If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?**

Holly looked shocked at how well she could sing "Wow, your amazing" " I'm not" " yeah you are, you should go on X-factor" Maddi laughed "yeah right I'm not that good with people" Holly smiled "Maddi? Are you OK?" "Yeah" " Is that Joe?" "Nah Freddie" "still can't believe you've got 5 brothers" Maddi laughed " yeah its annoying" " I want a brother or a sister but Cindy doesn't want anymore kids" Maddi giggled "you can have one of my brothers I'll gladly trade" as soon as she said that Joe walked in "you trying to get rid of us" "no just one" Joe laughed " heard you sing" Maddi smiled out of all her brothers Joe and Ziggy were her favrioute.

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