First Scan.

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A/N - I Need Some Ideas On How Sienna Could Be Jealous Of Maddi, Dodger, Millie & The Baby. PM Anything You Might Have Xoxo

Next Update - Soon As Possible.

Hope You Like. Xoxo


Since finding out she was pregnant Maddi had been spending as much time with Millie as possible, she and Dodger had found out that their baby was due 5 months after Millie's second birthday. That morning Maddi woke and noticed Millie was in bed with her "morning baby" Millie giggled "Odge baba" Maddi smiled "Dodger?" Millie nodded "my Odge?" Maddi laughed "you can have him" Millie giggled "yay".

That day Maddi had her first baby scan and she was excited although she was starting to feel guilty as she wasn't like this when she was pregnant with Millie "mum, am I horrid?" Sandy frowned "what makes you think that?" Maddi sighed "I'm all excited for this baby but I wasn't with Millie" Sandy smiled "Maddi, when you were pregnant with Millie you had depression, you love Millie right?" Maddi nodded "with all my heart" Sandy smiled "well then, and Millie is going to be a big sister" Maddi smiled "I just felt guilty I suppose for not being like this when I was pregnant with Millie".

Sandy was watching Millie while Maddi and Dodger went for the scan "mama?" Maddi smiled "I'll be back soon" Mille started crying "mama no" Maddi sighed "I can't take her with me" "I know" Maddi had a thought "I'll go for the scan and then I'll come and take Millie out" Sandy nodded "alright". Maddi walked out the house and Mille toddled after her, crying when she couldn't open the door "mama no" Sandy puck her up "she'll be back soon" Millie shook her head "my mama gone" Sandy handed Millie her dummy just as Joe came downstairs "what's wrong with her?" Sandy sighed "Maddi's gone for her scan and Millie wants to go" Millie looked at Joe "my mama gone" Joe took his niece from his mum and held her "you're mummy's special girl aren't you?" Millie nodded.

Maddi and Dodger arrived at the hospital "wait Mads" Maddi turned to him "what?" Dodger smiled "I love you" Maddi grinned "I love you too" Dodger went to kiss her just as Sienna approached "this looks cosy" Dodger turned to her "what are you doing here?" Sienna smiled "I came to see my niece or nephew" Maddi frowned "you're not allowed in there" Sienna smiled "on the scan picture" Maddi inwardly groaned "I can't be doing with this today" Dodger looked at Sienna "you should go" Sienna frowned.

While waiting for Maddi's name to be called Dodger was looking at leaflets "this is intresting" Maddi looked up "what?" Dodger smirked "when the baby's been born can't have sex for six weeks" Maddi rolled her eyes but grinned "trust you too notice that" Dodger smirked "I am reading this" Maddi laughed "course you are". Maddi's name was called and it was the midwife she had when she was pregnant with Millie and her baby boy "Maddi is it?" Maddi smiled "yeah, I think I saw you before" the midwife smiled "in case you've forgotten my name is Lynn" Maddi smiled "yeah, I remember" Lynn laughed "hop on then" Maddi got up onto the bed and Lynn began the scan "how are your twins?" Maddi sighed "my daughter is fine but my son died after he was born" Lynn frowned "I'm sorry" Maddi smiled "its fine, I have Millie" Lynn nodded and began the scan. Dodger was in awe when he saw his baby on the screen "are you okay?" Dodger nodded "that's our baby Mads" Maddi grinned "yeah" Dodger kissed her and turned to Lynn "is everything okay with the baby?" Lynn nodded "yeah, perfectly fine" Maddi grinned.

Leaving the hospital Dodger turned to Maddi "that was our baby" Maddi grinned "yeah, the small thing growing inside" Dodger smirked "Mads, seeing our baby made it real" Maddi laughed. While walking to the boat Joel and Sienna came up to them "how's the baby?" Maddi sighed "why do you care?" Sienna frowned "Maddi, its my niece or nephew you're carrying" Maddi rolled her eyes "it was 2 and a half yrs ago that you thought I was your daughter" Sienna nodded "I know" Joel looked at Maddi "if you're having another kid then I want custody of Millie" Maddi frowned "no chance, I'd rather let Grace have custody of her then you" Joel rolled his eyes "Millie is my little girl not his so either I get her or you dump him" Maddi scoffed "I'd like to see you try and get custody of Millie, the fact she's scared of you means you won't get very far" Maddi went to walk off when Joel took her hand "Maddi, I want to be in Millie's life" Maddi looked at him "she doesn't want you" Maddi walked off and Dodger went after her leaving Sienna and Joel standing there "my kid is gonna grow up not knowing me" Sienna sighed "do something about it then".

Maddi returned home and heard Millie screaming "Mads is that you?" "Yeah" Maddi walked into the living room and Millie got down from the sofa and toddled over to Maddi "mama tar" Maddi puck Millie up "what's the matter?" "I ove you" Maddi smiled "I love you too" Millie wrapped her arms around Maddi's neck as she sat on the sofa "how did the scan go?" Maddi grinned "was great" Maddi took the scan picture from her bag "Millie that's your baby sister or brother" Millie looked confused "baba?" Maddi nodded "yeah" Millie giggled "my baba".

Maddi got Millie settled and then logged onto her facebook -

*Maddi 'Millie' Roscoe - For those who don't know, I'm expecting my second child with @Dodger Savage. I Can't wait too meet my little angel + for Millie to be a big sister. I love my babies xoxo

Logging off she got changed for bed and fell asleep looking forward to seeing her baby. Halfway through the night Maddi woke to Millie crying so she climbed out of bed and walked into Millie's room "hey munchkin, mummy's here" Maddi took Millie from the cot and cuddled her "come on baby, you can get into mummy's bed tonight". Once Millie had fallen back to sleep Maddi fell asleep for a second time not realising that someone was stood outside the house watching.


A/N - What Would You Lovely People Like To Have Happen? Xo

Hope You Liked xo

Bye For Now xoxo

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