Meeting Holly, Jason Arrested, Robbie Found Out

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A/N - I Know I Said In The 1st Chapter That Robbie Would Be Kicked Out In This Chapter But I Realised That He Got Kicked Out The Day After Sandy Found Out :-)

It had been 3 days since the Roscoe family had moved to Hollyoaks Village and Maddi had decided it was better then being in London. Sandy was taking her 3 youngest to meet Mr.Blake the headteacher at Hollyoaks High where they would be starting "you ready?" "Why do I have to sit in the principal while you bang on about Jase and Maddi?" "Because I wanna talk about you to and the progress you've made" Jase was laughing " I still can't believe you aint been kicked out yet" "That's cos he's never there" Sandy turned to Freddie "Did you say something?" Freddie looked at his Mum " I'm off gotta help Joe and Zig out at the garage" Sandy turned to Robbie "is there anything you wanna tell me?" "Nah" Sandy nodded

**Mr.Blakes Office**

"The state of the trainers, sorry blame the parents Sandy Roscoe Thanks for seeing us today you must be busy" " I always make time for parents especially those of new students" "right well Jason and Maddi will be joining the academy in September" "That's right so Jason, Maddi what are your ambitions?" Jason and Maddi looked confused "what do you wanna be when you grow up?" " I wanna be a medic" "which I understand he gets from you a district nurse I believe" "must have done something wrong in a previous life" Sandy jokingly said "what about you Maddi?" "Erm I would like to be a singer but that's just a dream so I wanna help people out like what my Mum does" Sandy smiled at her Daughter's answer and Patrick looked happy that he had a student who wanted to learn " that's amazing Maddi" Maddi smiled at him " Erm Jase, Robbie take Maddi outside I need a quick word with Mr.Blake if that's alright" "Of course" Jason, Robbie and Maddi went out " Mr Blake Maddi suffers with severe depression and sometimes can't handle schoolwork" Patrick looked sad for the young girl "well when that happens if you give me a call I'll mark in the register its an approved day off" "Thank You Mr Blake I'm sure she'll appreciate it" Patrick smiled "its the least I can do"

**At The Garage**

"Jase, Robbie wait outside for me I want a quick word with Maddi" The boys went out to wait by the gates for their Mum and Sister " Maddi I've told Mr,Blake about your depression and he said whenever you feel too down he's gonna put in the register as an approved day off" Maddi nodded Sandy gave her daughter a hug "come on let's go see where those boys have gone off too". Sandy was amazed that Robbie was waiting there for her. They walked to the garage "wow this looks amazing,your Dad would be so proud of you Joe I'm so proud of you" "thanks Mum me and zig did nothing" Freddie jokingly said " you know what I mean all of you, as a special treat for all your hard work and to celebrate the big move I'm making my beef bourginon" "we'll order chinese" " its supposed to be a treat". Ziggy decided to be the suck-up " I love your cooking Mum" Freddie walked up to Joe and Said "Its too late to turn vegatarian right?" Joe looked horrified, "Ziggy, can you take Maddi and Jason to the shop and get some stuff" Sandy gave Ziggy the list " Muuum, I don't wanna go" "Maddi go on" Maddi ran to catch up with Ziggy and Jason.

**Meeting Holly**

Maddi, Jason and Ziggy arrived at Price Slice and Maddi heard a girl say "Seriously? Your old enough to be his mother" "if I was mother I'd still be bathing him hey I'm not that old" "Have you got any peppers?" "Aint no onions either Jase" Ziggy turned to Cindy "you got any onions?" "In the fridge, freezer thingy" "there over there" Maddi got bored and walked out Holly following "hey you must be Maddi?" "Yeah" "I'm Holly, that's my Mum Cindy she runs this place" "My Mums a nurse" "Mads come on" "see ya Holly" "Bye"

**Jason Arrested**

"You not using a cooking book Mum?" "She's happier with her book of spells" "Nope" **Doorbell** " get the door Jase" Jason went to answer the door when he saw Cindy and Holly "C..Come in" Cindy barged in and Holly gave him a nervous smile "Mum we got guests " Sandy came in "Oh hi" "your boys came into my shop earlier and mentioned you moved to the area we wanted to welcome you" Cindy handed her a bottle of wine " oh thanks that's nice isn't jase, jase? " "Oh yeah" Cindy turned to look at the portrait " oh there are more of you" " yeah there's Joe, Freddie, Ziggy, Jason, Robbie and Maddi they're all here somewhere, MADDI! Get down here" "what aint I done now?" "Just come down" Maddi came down stairs and saw Holly " Oh hey" "hey" "you must stay for dinner I'm making beef bourgnian" "oh that's very kind but we have stuff do Cindy slapped Holly "we'd love to" Maddi laughed " MUM! I'm going back upstairs" "Okay" "call me when the poision is done" "what" "call me when dinners done, Holly you wanna come up?" "Sure" Maddi and Holly went up to Maddi's room " Wow is this the biggest room?" "Nah my Mums got that one, I shotgunned the second biggest" "haha, my room would fit in here" Maddi laughed "the smaller they are the more cosier they are" Holly smiled "are you starting hollyoaks high?" "Yeah next week" "MADDI! Dinner!" "Yay let the food poisioning begin" "is your Mum that bad a cook" "yep". Maddi and Holly went for dinner " so Ziggy does your girlfriend cook for you?" Freddie started choking "Freddie!" " It went down the wrong way" Maddi, Holly and Robbie burst out laughing " I'm uh unlucky in love right now" " I'm sure you'll find someone soon" "I'm sure I will" Sandy looked disgusted at the obvious flirting in front of Maddi before she could say anything the door knocked "I'll get it Mum" Joe got up to answer when he came in he was accompanied by two police officer's "Jason Roscoe?" "Yeah?" "I'm arresting you on suspicion of armed robbery" Sandy couldn't believe it " you what? You've got nothing on him" "Mum calm down" Cindy and Holly had left and Maddi was in hysterics, Sandy saw this " Joe look after Maddi I think she's scared" Joe immediatley went to comfort his little sister "hey Mads he's gonna be back" "what if he's not Joe" Joe looked sad for his baby sister and hugged her he sat with her on the sofa until she had fallen asleep and Ziggy carried her up to bed and went back to talk to Joe " Maddi really needs help" "its the depression Zig she thinks she can't cope, that's why Mum focuses more on trying to help her" Ziggy and Joe hated the thought of their sister suffering " isn't there anything we can do for her?" "We just need to be there for her and let her know she's not alone" Ziggy nodded,

**5 Hours Later**

Sandy decided to phone home and find out how her baby girl was doing

** Sandy - Joe? How's Maddi?**

** Joe - She's okay she's asleep**

** Sandy - is she okay though?**

** Joe - she was in tears after Jason had gone **

** Sandy - I'll try and get back to see her **

** Joe - Stay with Jase, I'll look after her **

** Sandy - she'll need to see me **

** Joe - oh right I forgot your her calming method **

** Sandy - if I'm not back put her in my bed **

** Joe - will do Mum **

Sandy Hung up the phone and wanted to go see Maddi to calm her down. She saw the police officer who arrested her Son "Oi when you gonna let my boy go? He's done nothing wrong" The police officer rolled his eyes and walked away. Sandy sighed it was gonna be a long night

** The Next Day **

Maddi had woken up in her Mum's bed and immediatley knew she wasn't back. She tried to hold back the tears, she got her mums dressing gown on and went down to see Joe she was eating her breakfast when Sandy and Jason came in Maddi got up and ran to her Mum wrapping her arms round her Joe watched his sister and knew she vulnerable " its okay darling I'm here now" once Sandy had reassured her she went for a hug off Jason who held his baby sister.

Joe had heard the fight between Robbie and Jason arguing and went to go stop them when he found out it was Robbie who robbed Price Slice he dragged him downstairs and pinned him against the wall Maddi looked terrified she knew Joe had a temper but never thought he"d use it against his brother " Joe? Stop it you're scaring Maddi" Joe looked at his sister and saw her shaking " it was him" "what was" "who done over the shop" "Nah it was you!" Maddi knew it had to have been Robbie as Jason didn't have a bad bone in his body.

Joe and Ziggy had just came back from the hospital " its sorted" "the police aint gonna be looking for you not after Callums description anyway" Robbie looked amused " he lied to the pigs? Result" Maddi looked disgusted that she could be related to someone like him " this aint no laughing matter imagine if Mum found out" "there's no need to imagine cos I heard everything.

A/N - Next Chapter is based on when the Roscoe's open their garage and Sandy tells Robbie he's gotta stay with Aunt :-)

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