Meeting Andrew

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A/N - ThankYou To MorganByrne09 For Giving Me This Idea, Thanks Hun X

Maddi had agreed to go to a support group as Sandy was worried that she would crack and break-down, true to his word Rick had been there for Maddi and she was starting to warm up to him.

Today was the day of the support group Maddi woke up in her new bed, since the attack Sandy had allowed her to re-decorate it "Maddi, come on darling" Maddi eventually got out of bed since coming back Maddi had gotten closer to Lindsay who had apologised for hurting her, she went downstairs for her breakfast Maddi rolled her eyes Joe glared at Freddie and Lindsay who were acting like they've been apart for ages "Joe?" Joe looked up to Maddi and smiled "alright kid?" Maddi nodded "dreading today though" Joe nodded he understood "I know but you need support in this" "I know" Sandy handed Maddi her breakfast which was chocolate pancakes "its not my birthday?" Sandy shrugged thought you could do with a treat" Maddi grinned as the door knocked "I'll get it" Sandy was about to reply when Maddi ran to the door she frowned when she saw Diane "what do you want?" Diane smiled "I want you to take back your statement against out Finn" Maddi was shocked "not happening" Diane frowned "Maddi, he needs to be at home with me" before Maddi could speak Rick turned up " I believe you're intimidating a witness? Be a shame for you to end up in a cell next to your son" Diane turned to Rick "what if it was one of your boys, wouldn't you do anything to get them home" Rick rolled his eyes "I'd make sure they were punished but it wasn't my boys it was yours and it was my little girl that got hurt" Maddi smiled "bye Diane".

Sandy had just dropped Maddi off at the group "welcome you must be Maddi" Maddi nodded "I'm Jessica, the group leader" she smiled "so Maddi, do you want to talk about what happened to you?" Maddi nodded "it was my brothers friend, he fancied me but I didn't like him and I refused to go out with him" Jessica nodded "do your family know?" Maddi nodded "yeah, today his Mum came to ask me to retract my statement and let her son go free" the group gasped "my dad turned up and got her to leave".

Maddi was about to leave when a boy came over to her "hi, I'm Andrew" Maddi smiled "Maddi" Andrew smiled "is that short for Madeline?" Maddi shook her head "nope my Mum named me Maddi, I'm her only girl" Andrew smiled "oldest or youngest?" Maddi smirked "youngest of 5brothers" Andrew whistled "bet they weren't happy when they found out what happened" Maddi shook her head " they all went after him, they got arrested but only got a caution" Andrew nodded "what about your Dad?" Maddi smiled "we've never gotten along but I realised that he's my dad and he cares about me in a weird way, anyway enough about me what about you?" Andrew grinned "well in case you didn't realise I'm gay, and it was a friend of my dad's who he owed money to" Maddi nodded "I got hurt by someone my dad owe's money to" Andrew grinned "we have so much in common" Maddi laughed "yeah" Andrew got his phone "what's your number, we can go shopping" Maddi nodded and gave him her number "I've got to go, my Dad is waiting for me" Andrew nodded "I'll text you later".

Rick was waiting for Maddi when a woman came over "I'm Annalease" Rick smiled "Rick" "so who are you waiting for?" "My daughter, Maddi" Annalease nodded "same only my daughter's called Ellese" Maddi came out "you're here?" Rick nodded "yeah, told you I would be" Maddi rolled her eyes "yes but you end up getting distracted and its Mum who's normally waiting when I'm at places" Annalease laughed "wow your wife will be happy" Rick turned to her "we're not married just got 3 kids with her" Annalease nodded "she the youngest" Rick nodded "yeah, her Mum has another 3 boys not mine" Annalease looked shocked "wow she's the youngest of 6?" Rick nodded "you got any sisters?" Maddi shook her head "nope 5 older brothers" "bet you're a Mummy's girl then" Maddi nodded "yeah, never been a Daddy's girl sorry" Rick smiled "let's get you home before your Mum accuses me of kidnap".

Maddi had just gotten home and Sandy came to see her "how did it go?" Maddi nodded "okay, I met someone a boy called Andrew" Joe and the boys came in "we need a word with him" Maddi rolled her eyes "he's gay and leave him alone" Robbie was amused "good on you Mads" Maddi grinned "be. Nice. To. Him!" The boys nodded they didn't want to be on Maddi's bad side.

Maddi was sat at the table after dinner when she got a text from Andrew:

AndrewX - up 4 shopping 2mrro x

XmaddiX - yhyh, I'll ask my mum X

Andrew X - okay, txt me later x

"Mum Andrew asked if I can go shopping with him tomorrow" Sandy nodded "course after you've done your work" Maddi smiled "thanks" Sandy smiled.

A/N - Sorry Its Short But Again ThankYou MorganByrne09 For The Idea For This Chapter X

Next Chapter - Shopping With Andrew X

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