Jason's News

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A/N - This Chapter Is For MorganByrne09 As She's Been Amazing With Helping Me With Ideas For My Stories :)

Next Chapter - Soon!

Hope You Like. Xoxo


Jason had some news he wanted to share with his family and he couldn't wait. As Maddi was with Dodger and Joe was at the garage he was going to wait until tonight when the whole family would be having a meal at the Dog.

When Maddi returned home Millie was covered in chocolate "what happened to her?" Jason smiled "she and Robbie went on a chocolate spree" Maddi grinned "mama, been Odge?" Maddi nodded "yeah" Millie frowned "no, my Odge" Maddi laughed "come here" Millie toddled over to Maddi "my Odge mama" Jason grinned "she likes Dodger doesn't she?" Maddi nodded "yeah, she likes him better then Joel" Jason smiled "are you coming to the dog tonight?" Maddi grinned "yeah, why?" "I have something to tell everyone" Maddi frowned "what?" Jason smiled "you'll find out tonight" Maddi groaned "Jase tell me, I'm hormonal" Jason laughed "no" Jason walked away "you're evil Jason Roscoe".

Maddi was sitting in her room with Millie "mama, me see baba?" Maddi smiled "come here then" Millie came toddling over and Maddi placed her on the bed before getting the baby scan out "that baba?" Maddi nodded "yeah, that's the baba" Millie grinned "yay baba" Maddi smiled "you going too be a big sister?" Millie nodded "Odge baba?" Maddi grinned "yeah Dodger's baby" Millie giggled "yay Odge".

Joel stood outside the Roscoe house and he wasn't happy. Walking up to the house he knocked the door, he glared at Maddi when she answered "what do you want?" Joel looked at her "your boyfriend isn't adopting Millie" Maddi rolled her eyes "its nothing to do with you" Joel glared "she's my daughter, there's no-one who would allow that" Maddi sighed "you're not on Millie's birth certificate, therefore you don't have rights" Joel rolled his eyes "I'm her dad Maddi, you can't do this" Maddi nodded "yeah I can, stay away" Maddi shut the door in Joel's face. He wasn't going to lose his baby girl to Dodger.

Maddi looked at Millie who had fallen asleep sitting up with her doll "alright love?" Maddi smiled at her mum "that was Joel, he tried to say that Dodger can't adopt Millie" Sandy frowned "what did you say?" Maddi sighed "I told him that he has no rights over Millie as he's not on her birth certificate" Sandy nodded "well, if you want Dodger to adopt her then its your decision" Maddi smiled and hugged her mum.

Maddi went for a walk in the village when Holly came up to her "hiya" Maddi smiled "hey, how's you?" Holly shrugged "as good as I can be" Maddi grinned "are you coming too the dog tonight?" Holly nodded "yeah, Jason has something to tell everyone" Maddi frowned "you know what it is?" Holly nodded "yeah" Maddi grinned "tell me?" Holly shook her head "nope" Maddi groaned "Hols, come on please" Holly laughed "no can do".

Maddi was standing outside the Hutch when someone covered her eyes "guess who?" Maddi grinned "let me guess, the father of my baby?" Maddi turned and saw Dodger with a smirk on his face "next time you try and scare me remember, I know your voice" Dodger placed his hand on Maddi's bump and kissed her "where's Millie?" Maddi smiled "playing Joe up" Dodger grinned "that's my girl" Maddi laughed "Joel came to see me earlier" Dodger frowned "about what?" Maddi sighed "about you adopting Millie. I want you too and my mum's okay with it" Dodger grinned "good because the way I see it you, Millie and our baby are my family" Maddi smiled "you're amazing, you know that?" Dodger smirked "I've been told" Maddi rolled her eyes as she kissed him.

Arriving at the pub Maddi had dressed Millie into her onesie "where my Odge?" Maddi smiled "he's not here" Millie frowned "get Odge" Maddi grinned just as Sandy came over "text him, invite him over" Maddi smiled "really?" Sandy nodded "yeah" Maddi grinned and text Dodger -

*Maddi - come over 2 pub. Xo

*Dodger - why? X

*Maddi - my mum invited you xo

*Dodger - be there in 5 x

*Maddi - okay xo

Dodger arrived and Millie squealed "Odge!" Millie wriggled out of Lindsey's arms and toddled over to Dodger who puck her up.

A couple hours later Jason stood "me and Holly have something we need to tell you" Maddi looked up and Holly had a grin on her face "well, what is it?" Jason grinned "Holly's pregnant" Maddi smiled "really?" Holly nodded "I found out yesterday" Maddi squealed "congrats Holly" Holly smiled "thanks".

Returning home Maddi took Millie up to bed and then logged onto facebook -

*Maddi 'Millie' Roscoe - Congrats too my bestie @Holly Cunningham & @Jason Roscoe who are expecting their first baby!!! Can't wait too meet my niece/nephew. Love you both xoxo

Logging off she climbed into bed and fell asleep with a grin on her face.


A/N - Well. I Have No Idea What To Do Next.

Hope You Liked.

Bye For Now. Xoxo

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