A Birth And A Death

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A/N - This Chapter Might Be A Teeny Bit Sad Xx

Maddi was 7and a half months pregnant and she hated it, she had decided to give the twins up for adoption and it had been the hardest decision she had ever made, she hadn't told her mum about it yet. That day she was going to speak to Grace about her having the twins. Arriving at Grace's flat she knocked the door and waited for her to answer "Maddi what you doing here?" Maddi sighed "I came to talk too you about these?" Grace heard about how Maddi was having twins "what about them?" "You can have them" Grace smiled "you being serious?" Maddi nodded " yeah, I can't raise two of them" Grace grinned "you won't regret it" "the minute I find out they're in danger because of you being a thug I'll have them back" "I promise they won't be in any danger" "good".

When Maddi left the flat she went home where she saw Robbie who looked pale "Robbie? You alright?" Robbie looked at his little sister and nodded "I'm fine Mads, just thinking" Maddi frowned "about what?" Robbie sighed "everything" Maddi smiled "don't think too hard, you're gonna damage your fragile head" Robbie grinned "hush up" Maddi smirked and walked upstairs into her room.

Sandy was going out that on a work's night and she needed Joe too keep an eye on Maddi "Joe, I need you too look after Maddi tonight" "alright, why?" "I'm off out tonight" Joe nodded "work?" Sandy nodded "yeah, is Maddi even here?" "Yeah she's upstairs" Sandy nodded and went upstairs "Maddi?" "Yeah" Sandy walked into her room "you alright?" Maddi nodded "mum I had an idea, let Grace have the twins for a few days too test her and if she gets into any sort of trouble then take them back and let you raise them" Sandy frowned "Maddi, you really want to let Grace Black raise your twins?" Maddi sighed "its a test, I know she'll fail so it'll prove she aint fit too be a mum" "right, well Joe is watching you tonight, I'm going out" Maddi nodded "hope you have fun" Sandy smiled "thanks love".

Sandy had been gone for a few hours and Maddi was feeling incredibly sick but she put it down to feeling hungry, the only other two people in the house with her were Joe and Robbie. After an hour of the pain she felt liquid between her legs which made her frown as she wasn't due for another month she got off her bed and walked downstairs "Robbie? Where's Joe?" "He's gone to get pizza, what's up?" " I think I'm in labour" Robbie paled "what?" Maddi rolled her eyes "you heard me you dingbat, I think I'm in labour" Robbie stood as Maddi fell to the floor in pain "Mads!" Robbie helped Maddi onto the sofa "I'm gonna ring an ambulance" Maddi nodded and watched as Robbie rung the ambulance "Mads the ambulance is gonna be here as soon as possible" Maddi groaned "Robbie I can't wait until the ambulance gets here" Robbie paled "I'm gonna have to help you aren't I?" "Unless you want mum too ground your ass then yeah you need too help me" Robbie groaned.

Joe returned from collecting the pizza when he heard Maddi screaming so he ran into the living room "what's happened?" "She's in labour" "you called an ambulance?" Robbie nodded "they aint here yet" Joe nodded when Maddi let out another scream "Ouch! Where's mum?" "She won't be back yet Mads" "Joe I can see the head" Joe paled and went to help his sister "right Maddi, you're gonna need too push" Maddi shook her head "no I don't want too" "you need to so do it" Maddi began pushing when the baby came out but not crying or breathing "Maddi its a boy" Maddi smiled "why isn't he crying or breathing?" Joe frowned and handed the baby to Robbie "try and get him breathing while Maddi pushes the other one out" Robbie began doing everything possible to get the baby to breathe "come on Maddi, push again" "I can't, I'm too tired" "come on Maddi you can do it" Maddi pushed again and her other baby came out "you've got a girl" Maddi grinned "is she okay?" The baby girl started crying and Maddi let out a sigh of relief "Maddi, its no good, I can't get him too breathe" Maddi felt the tears pour down her face "no! He's fine you're not doing enough" "Maddi its too late".

Maddi was sat on the sofa while Joe was on the phone to the hospital "Joe ambulance is here" Joe hung up and went to let the paramedic's in "hiya Maddi is it?" Maddi nodded "yeah" "you've done an amazing job she's beautiful" Maddi sadly smiled "did my brother mention the other baby?" The paramedic frowned "no why?" "He died" the paramedic looked to where Robbie was holding the baby boy "can I take a look at him?" Robbie handed the baby boy to the paramedic where he began resussitation on him "please say he's going to be okay?" The paramdic carried on the resus for a bit longer "I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do, he's gone" Maddi started crying again "right Maddi we need too get you and babies to the hospital" Maddi nodded and stood up off the sofa.

When Maddi arrived at the hospital with Joe who was holding the baby girl and Robbie who had the boy "Maddi we're going too take your baby boy to the chapel of rest" Maddi nodded as she was wheeled to a room. Joe was holding the baby girl when Robbie walked in "alright Mads?" Maddi nodded "yeah" Robbie smiled as Joe put the baby down into the cot "you thought of any names yet?" Maddi nodded "Robbie for the boy" Robbie grinned "and Millie for my baby girl" "beautiful" Maddi smiled "where's mum?" As Maddi said that Joe's phone rang "speak of the devil" -


Sandy - Joe where the hell are you?

Joe - at the hospital, Maddi's given birth

Sandy - I'm on my way


"Mum's on her way" Maddi nodded "okay".

Sandy,Lindsey, Freddie, Jason and Ziggy arrived at the hospital determined too see Maddi "excuse me, we're looking for Maddi Roscoe?" "Follow me" they followed the nurse too Maddi's room "she's in there" Sandy smiled and entered the room where she saw Joe holding a baby "Maddi?" Joe turned to his mum "shh, she's asleep" Sandy took a look at her grandchild in Joe's arms "mum meet Millie" Sandy grinned "where's the other one?" "He died during birth" Sandy frowned "is Maddi alright?" Joe sighed "says she's coping" "what did she name the baby?" "Robbie" "what about him?" "That's what she named the baby" Sandy smiled "let's have a hold then" Joe handed Millie too his mum "right Joe, take them home, I need too speak with Maddi" Joe nodded "is there anything you want me too do?" Sandy nodded "spare room? Turn it into a nursery" Joe nodded "any colour?" "Lavender" Joe nodded and left.

Maddi woke the next morning and saw her mum "mum?" "Hiya love, congratulations she's beautiful" Maddi smiled "her name is Millie" "I know Joe told me" Maddi frowned "has he told you about?" "Baby Robbie, yeah" Maddi nodded "Grace is coming too pick her up later" Sandy frowned "Maddi?" "I told you, I wanna prove she aint fit too be a mum" Sandy nodded.

Grace arrived at the hospital to collect her baby from Maddi and Trevor was with her "can't wait" they found Maddi's room and entered "Maddi" "Grace, this is Millie" Grace grinned and took Millie into her arms "she's so small" Maddi smiled "you best take care of her" "I will" Maddi watched as Grace walked away with Millie.

A/N - Hopee You Enjoyeed Xx

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