Maddi's New Look

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A/N - This Won't Be A Long Update, I Did Have It Typed Up Before & It Went Missing -_- Stupid BlackBerry!

Maddi had decided to dye her hair with the help of Andrew and Holly, Holly was bringing the dye and Andrew was bringing an old top for Maddi so she didn't get dye over the blue dress she was wearing which happened to be her favourite dress.

When Andrew and Holly came Maddi grinned "Mum knows I'm dying it and she said don't get dye everywhere" Andrew squealed "you literally have the best mum ever" Maddi smiled "I know, but if there's dye everywhere then I'm dead" Holly laughed "whens Jase home?" Maddi frowned "don't know, if you've only come to see Jase then you might as well go" Holly sighed "I haven't, I just wanted to know" "mm k".

The dye had been successful and Maddi's hair was no longer brown and red but full on red and she loved it, she put her blue dress back on "well, we have a result" Andrew grinned and Holly laughed "suits you" Maddi smiled "especially with that dress" Maddi grinned "this is my favourite dress" Andrew smiled.

When Sandy returned home she smiled at Maddi " you look nice" Maddi smiled "you think?" Sandy nodded "course, listen I've seen your dad and I think he's missing you" Maddi sighed "I'm not the least bit intrested in him" "Maddi, I do think he's genuinley sorry" "I don't care" Sandy sighed "okay, if you're sure then I'll tell him you want him to stay away from you" Maddi nodded "when the boys home?" Sandy shrugged "should be around half 6" Maddi nodded.

When the boys got home they grinned when they saw Maddi's hair red "suits you Maddi" Maddi smiled at them "thanks" "what's for dinner mum?" "Bangers and mash" Maddi grinned as that was one meal that her mum couldn't burn "awesome, call me when its done, I need to clean my room, got all my clothes out earlier" "go on then,I'll call you when dinner is done".

Maddi had just cleaned her room and was planning on re-arranging her room but before she could her mum called her for dinner.

After dinner Maddi had made Robbie and Jason watch disaster movie which she loved and when the song came on she had to sing

((Song Begins))

I'm dating Matt Damon

You're Dating Matt Damon?

Well I'm Dating Hannah Montana

((Song Ends))

Robbie and Jason were laughing until Sandy came in "come on you lot, bed" Maddi got up and huggeds her mum.

As soon as Maddi went to bed she fell to sleep around half past 1 she woke up sweating she had a bad dream about what Finn did too her, she knew she had been crying and went to her Mum. Sandy was awake reading a book when Maddi came in "Mads, you alright?" Maddi shook her head "what's wrong?" "I had a bad dream about what Finn did to me" Sandy sadly smiled "come on darling" Maddi got in bed with her mum and cuddled her "try and get some sleep love".

When Maddi woke she saw it was half past 11 and got up, walking downstairs she saw her mum "I thought you had work?" Sandy smiled "you had a bad night, I called them and said you were ill and needed looking after" Maddi grinned "get on the sofa and I'll bring you toast in" Maddi did as she was told.

A/N - Sorry its Short, I've Had Some Good Ideas About How To Bring Warren In & I'm Gonnaa Try & Include Them All xxx

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