Maddi Wakes Up

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Maddi had been in the coma for a week and Sandy had hardly left her side "Mum, you need to go home" Sandy shook her head "not until she's woken up, I don't want the first thing she sees to be strange nurses looking after her" Joe sighed "I'll stay while you get some sleep" Sandy sighed "the minute she wakes you tell me" Joe nodded "I will".

When Sandy got home she saw Rick "what the hell do you want?" "How's Maddi?" "Still in the coma" Rick sighed "Sandy I never meant for this to happen!" Sandy scoffed "just go Rick" "what are her injuries" "broken arm, and a head injury" Rick actually looked guilty "I wanna go see her" Sandy shook her head "not happening, I don't want you near her!" "Sandy she's my daughter aswell" Sandy rolled her eyes "yeah you must care about her if you had her in your car while you were drunk!" "I said I was sorry" "just when I thought you couldn't do anything else to hurt her!" Sandy walked in the house and locked the door and went to bed.

Joe was by Maddi's side when the nurse came in "do you know when she'll wake up?" The nurse sighed "with a head injury like her's it could be anything from today or next week" Joe nodded he hoped it was today that she woke.

When Ziggy and Freddie heard about their sister they demanded they saw her so Lindsey and Kim got them in wheelchairs and wheeled them into Maddi's room "what are you two doing here?" "Here to see Maddi, where's Mum?" Joe sighed "hopefully resting, she hasn't moved all week, wanting to be the first person Maddi sees when she wakes up" Ziggy nodded "what caused the accident?" "Rick, drink-driving, while she was in the car" Freddie got angry "I'm gonna kill him" Joe smirked "Fred, you'll probably kill yourself" Freddie rolled his eyes "as soon as I'm better he's dead" Ziggy grinned as Sinead walked in "I came to see Maddi, I hope that's okay, I heard what happened" Joe nodded "we'll be just outside" Sinead smiled "right you, wake up I lost Katy, I can't lose you too, like me little sister" Sinead hated being in hospitals.

Sandy woke after a good sleep, she had a shower, got changed and had something to eat and now she was heading back to the hospital to be with Maddi. Arriving there she saw all her sons "what's happened?" Joe smiled "they think she might wake up today, the nurse said she was showing signs of improvement" Sandy grinned "right boys, go and get something to eat, you can all come back later" the boys nodded and left "Ziggy, Freddie no playing up the nurses" they both grinned and got wheeled out in the wheelchairs.

"Come on sleepyhead, this is the longest you've ever slept, time to wake up" Sandy was talking to Maddi to try and wake her up, she sighed when she realised she wasn't having an effect "Mads if you wake up I'll buy you all the chocolate you want" Sandy thought she saw Maddi's hand move and looked to her face she was trying to open her eyes...

Maddi was facing a battle trying to open her eyes but it wouldn't work she could hear someone talking about chocolate, she won the battle and opened her eyes.

When Sandy saw Maddi open her eyes she grinned "welcome back sleepyhead, nurse" a nurse came in "she's awake" the nurse nodded "okay, let's take the mask off" when the nurse had taken the mask off Maddi looked to her Mum "why am I here?" Sandy sighed "you and your dad were in a car accident" Maddi paled "he was driving while he was drunk, I remember the car coming and hitting the passenger side then everything went black" Sandy nodded "you've been in a coma for 8days" Maddi's eyes widened "my arm is killing" "you broke it, they were waiting for you to wake up before they put a cast on" Maddi nodded "where are the boys?" "Jason, Robbie and Joe are at home and Freddie and Ziggy are in bed" "I wanna see them" Sandy nodded "I'll go ring Joe".

Sandy went outside to call Joe


Joe - Mum is everything okay?

Sandy - Maddi's awake, she wants to see you

Joe - we're coming


Joe's eyes lit up when he heard Maddi was awake "Jase, Rob, we're needed at the hospital" the twins came down "what's happened?" Joe grinned "Maddi's awake" the twins noth smiled "let's go".

When they got to the hospital they went straight to Maddi's room but frowned when they saw Sandy outside "Mum?" "They're checking her over and plastering her arm" Joe nodded "did they say when she can come home?" Sandy nodded "within the next few days".

A/N - Sorry Its Short X

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