I SEE YOU part 2

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"Jolie fille (pretty girl)....Hello Imani. That's a pretty name." His voice was deep and calm. His ice blue gray eyes stared into her eyes.

"Th-Thank you." Imani felt the pounding of her heart vibrate in her chest, seeing how handsome the man was.

He looked at her, not breaking eye contact when he spoke. His slicked back, jet black hair, and close cut beard looked professionally maintained. He had on jeans and a short sleeve white t-shirt that showed the muscles in his body and tan tattooed arms.

"My name is Yannis. It's nice to meet you, Imani." He put his hand out for a shake. She shook his hand as her lower region tingled at his touch and sound of her name on his lips. He smiled, seeing how soft and tiny her hand was compared to his.

"What would you like to order today, Sir?" She looked down at her writing pad, trying to avoid eye contact.

He gave a faint smile at her change in mood. The once confident bubbly girl that approached his table, now immediately shy at his gaze. "You know Imani, some would say it's rude to not give eye contact when talking to someone." Yannis' accent made correcting her sound delicious.

Imani looked up, her mouth open. "I'm sorry, Sir, I meant no disrespect. I was just thinking about something."

"It's Yannis...." He stared at her full lips, then took a sip of the water she gave him.

"R-Right ...Yanni, I mean Yannis. Would you like to start with a drink?" Imani regained some of her composure enough to take his order.

"The water is fine, and so is calling me Yanni." His eyes moved up and down her body. He liked the way she said his name, wishing he could make her scream it.

She could feel the lips between her legs moisten. Imani, what is wrong with you? Pull yourself together....relax. She coached herself.

"I'll take the steak medium rare with the two sides of vegetables." Yannis closed the menu, then handed it over to Imani. His phone buzzed, and he answered.

"Qu'avez-vous découvert?" (what did you find out).

Imani walked away to put in his order, while her heart was still thumping fast in her chest. Even at 22 years old, the opposite sex was never a priority for her. Yes, she dated a couple of times but never had the urge to be with anyone beyond a friendship. She sometimes wondered what falling in love would feel like or how it would feel to lust after a man enough to let him inside of you. She's felt a man's kiss a few times but never had that feeling or desire to have her sweet core filled....until now.

"Damn, that man at table seven is hot!" Amanda spoke out loud to the others in the back.

"Isn't he? Ugh, he looks like a sex god," Carlos answered.

Imani chimed in. "Do you know him?" She asked.

"No, but I would love to. He's come here a few times before. I had an ex that was French, too." Carlos began to space out as he kept talking. "The things he could do with his tongue...."

Listening to Carlos talk about his sexcapades for the past 10 minutes caused Imani's mouth to drop open. It closed once she heard her order was up. So French is what he was speaking, she thought to herself.

Imani grabbed the food, placed it on the tray, and made her way back to table seven. A gorgeous blonde woman was now sitting across from him. Once she got to Yannis' table, he immediately turned his attention to her.

"Here you go, Sir, steak medium rare with two sides of vegetables. Would you like to order anything, Miss?" Imani smiled.

"No, she was just going back to her table." Yannis began to cut into his steak.

The woman looked at him surprised, then got up from the table, walking away in a huff.

Did he just turn her down? She was beautiful. Imani thought to herself. She turned to walk away, but Yannis stopped her.

"How is your day going, Imani?" Yannis ate a piece of his steak.

She turned to face him. "It's going well, Sir. Thanks for asking," she answered, then turned to walk away.

"You're not going to ask me how my day is going?" Yannis looked at her.

Imani froze but caught herself. "How's your day going?" She gave a soft smile.

"Do you really want to know?" He stared into her eyes.

Imani looked away from his intense stare, once again denying the sensation she felt between her legs.

"You keep looking away. Are you afraid of what I may see, Imani?"

She nervously turned and walked away, a smile formed on his face. "Si belle," (so pretty) he said under his breath.

His intensity caused the pit of her stomach to do flips. She went back into the stockroom, taking deep breaths, then looked at her phone. It was 8:12 p.m., past her time to leave. Relief set over her while she took off her apron, and Vince was already on the floor, taking over table seven.

Once Imani got herself together, she grabbed her things, said her goodbyes, and made her way back out onto the main floor. Seeing that Yannis was already gone, she was expecting to feel relief, but sadness took over instead. What is wrong with you, Imani?...You do not know that man. Her mind told her, but her heart felt something else.

"Hey Imani, wait!" Vince yelled.

She stopped and smiled. "What's up, Vince?"

Vince gave her folded up money. "You forgot your tip. The guy at table seven told me to give this to you. He said he would check to make sure you got it, too."

Surprised, she slowly took the money. "Oh ok...thanks. Enjoy your night." Imani smiled then walked to her car.

She thought about Yannis, how embarrassed she felt running away from him. I wonder if he thinks I'm crazy.

She got in the car, resting her bag on the passenger seat, then unfolded the money.

"Wait! This is $500 dollars!" Imani was surprised and wondered if Vince gave her his tips by accident.

"He wasn't here long enough to get that many tips," she said out loud. Butterflies began to flutter in her stomach.

"Does this mean Yannis likes me?"

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