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It was pitch blackness surrounding Nathan as he pulled up to the Elders Temple. The car headlights and moon were the only light making an appearance.

Each Elder, including Nathan, represented the 13 clans. Their bloodlines traced back over centuries, through plagues, wars, invasions and great wealth.

Even with his strong family history Nathan has always been a loner...some would call him a lone wolf or rogue. It was always expected of him to be an Alpha of his own pack, but the role or life never appealed to him.

His father died when he was a pup and he was raised by his grandfather who was well respected in all the other clans and werewolf communities.

Being an Elder was the highest honor a werewolf could receive. Not only because of age but the knowledge and wealth you sustain and pass on through generations.

Once Nathan's grandfather passed, he was given his Elder status, which he only accepted because of his grandfather's request of him.

Nathan walked into the tall doors of the Temple. Torches lit his path on both sides of the stone walls.

When he entered the room, all the Elders sat across the platform, while some Alphas in the region sat around a long rectangular stone table in front of the platform.

It wasn't the usual once a month meeting that he had with the other Elders of the 13 clans. This meeting was requested by Nathan.

"Finally, he has arrived. We can now continue the meeting," one of the Elders announced.

All eyes were on Nathan as he took the 13th seat with the Elders. His presence seemed to always get order among the Alpha's or anyone attending the meetings.

"We are here because there have been accusations made about some workers in Stoic Bank and the oil refinery. There are three workers from the refinery and one from the bank. These workers are from two separate packs....Moonlight pack and White Haven pack."

"What are these accusations?" Alpha Lars of Moonlight asked.

"Theft, money laundering and illegal oil taps..." Nathan answered.

"I take it you have evidence?" Alpha Norman of White Haven asked.

"Of course, why else would we be here..." Nathan stared at the four guilty pack members.

The evidence was placed around the table for all to look at and read. Photos of the crime along with the statements of witnesses and documented receipts of said crimes were in the folders.

"I don't believe this! Maggy would never do such a thing. I have always been able to trust her..." Alpha Norman stood up with anger.

"Are you calling me a liar?"

Nathan's focus was now on Alpha Norman. He got up from his seat and walked down towards Norman.

Alpha Norman, usually intimidating through his size, walked toward Nathan, meeting him halfway.

"I'm saying I need you to give me more evidence to prove that Maggy is what you're accusing her to be. She is my mate and I will stand and protect her from your tyrant, false and insane accusations!" He looked down towards Nathan who was over 6ft tall.

"So you are calling me a liar...." Nathan stared into his eyes.

There was a pause.

"Yes...I am." Alpha Norman stared back, clenching his fist.


Everyone looked in shock and without warning Nathan's hand went through Alpha Norman's chest, snatching his heart with the withdrawal of his fist. The screams of his mate echoed in the temple.

The Alpha's eyes widened in pure terror looking at his heart beating in Nathan's hand. Then his body dropped to the floor lifeless.

Nathan threw the heart on the stone table, splattering blood.

"Alpha Lars.....do you reject the evidence of corruption on your pack members?" Nathan asked, wiping his hand on a cloth given to him.

Lars remained silent.

"If that is all, I think the Elders can hand out the appropriate punishment to the offenders, including Ms. Maggy. I have somewhere to be."

With those words, Nathan left the meeting.

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