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"You all are the strongest of your packs because you survived hell and still lived to sit here all together. I know many of you carry hate in your hearts and that is fine, you just need to use that hate to your benefit. Direct it towards the things you want in your life and go out and take it."

Allison sat at the huge table listening to the beautiful man talk, she couldn't take her eyes off of him. The memories of her almost getting Victor back constantly played in her head. The feeling of having him inside of her again sent her wolf into bliss.

I was so close but had it snatched away again by.....her.

Allison couldn't bear to say her name.

"Now, everyone....this land is given to you to do as you please with it."

"And what do we owe you for helping us rejects?"


Everyone looked at each other.

"Many of you remind me of my brother and I....some of you might have known him....but we both were loners for a long time. He eventually became an Alpha of his own pack but I stayed to myself."

Allison stood up. "So you aren't trying to make us....your pack?"

"No, I don't want one, never have. But if one of you would like to take're more than welcomed. Every pack, regardless of size, needs structure and a leader."

"I will...." Allison said with conviction.

Surprisingly, the table full of males did not object. Her strong presence was undeniable and the man smiled, removing himself from the head of the table, while Allison stood in his place.

That night she shared her plans and gave her new pack members the motivation to live by their own rules and demand their respect. Allison was no longer sitting back waiting for someone to save her or an Alpha to claim her....she was going to take whatever she wanted and it felt amazing.

After her talk, she noticed the beautiful man was no longer there and ran out to catch him...but he was already gone. She wanted to thank him for the land he gave and giving her new pack members a fresh start. He never gave his name or asked them for anything. All she could think about was his long jet black hair and light gray eyes.

I am truly thankful and I will pay you back for what you've with the beautiful eyes.


I walked down the long hall of marble floors, admiring the decor and interior design like I usually do when I come over to the mansion. The room I used to sleep in was upstairs at the beginning of the hall and I casually walked up to see it.

Standing in the doorway, memories flooded back of the nights I walked this hall looking for Nathan and watching him sit alone in the dark looking out his window.

"Diana...why are you still awake?"

I remember his voice startled me being I wasn't expecting him to notice my presence, as if he wasn't a werewolf also. He never really talked to me that much but would always support whatever dreams I had. He put me through college and invested in many of my business ventures....we made a lot of money together.

The night I gave myself to him after a big deal we closed, was forever etched in my mind and on my body. Now here I am once again standing in my room....well, my old room. It's been years since I've slept here. When I realized what Nathan and I had was truly a one night situation...I couldn't stand to stay here any longer.

Ok, where is he?

Walking down the hall I instantly heard it........his laughter.

I walked closer to his room and peeked through the door and there they were.....laying in bed. She wore a nightgown cuddled up to him as he talked and then they both laughed again. He was so calm, comfortable and he looked....happy.

"Did you just seriously ask a werewolf for a dog?" Nathan asked, smiling at her.

"No, honey. I asked my amazing man, who just so happens to be a werewolf...for a dog," her bubbly voice answered.

He laughed and she smiled....I could see the joy she got from seeing him laugh and I wondered if he always laughed around her.

She is beautiful and seems really sweet....even when I was being rude to her.

He sat up, leaning back on the dark upholstered headboard. " can have a dog."

"Really!? Thank you, baby!" She said, straddling him and giving him a hug.

Her excitement at his response made me smile and the way he held her made me smile even more. Within seconds he was kissing her and lifting the bottom of her nightgown over her round ass.

My mind told me to walk away but the sounds she made caused me to watch and admire what he was doing to her.

"Mmmm...Imani," Nathan groaned as she slowly lowered down onto his big erection and her moans spilled from her lips.

He sucked her breast and grabbed her waist. Him moving her up and down his shaft causing her to cry out made my panties moisten...I wanted that for me but not just for Nathan to fuck me but for me to taste Imani's lips and suck her beautiful brown breast too.

My mind got lost with images of what I would do to her, but them both cumming and Imani screaming his name brought me back into focus. Nathan kissed her lips and she held on to him trembling as he squeezed and rubbed her soft behind.

I moved away from the door and leaned on the hallway wall, trying to calm my lust.

"What do you want, Diana?" Nathan's deep voice said from inside the room.

My heart sank.

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