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Nathan looked around the familiar place he hasn't seen since he was young. As a child, his mother Linda, brought him to Feloya so she could see her secret lover, Prince Kazeem. Unable to wait, Linda's lover began to go outside of Feloya to see her and both were killed by Nathan's father.

Although saddened by his mother's death, he also understood his father's rage and accepted what he did.

Hasani, of course, avenged his older brother's death and this was the first time Nathan saw him. The image of Hasani chopping Ian Spear's head off was etched in Nathan's brain until he became a teenager.

For a month, Nathan lured in a young Crescian woman just to get close enough to Hasani and retaliate. They fought hard and Hasani had the upper hand, but was stopped by Goddess Mother before he could take Nathan's life.

"Goddess Mother saved you this time.....next time you won't be so lucky."

Those were the last words Hasani said before sending Nathan plummeting back into his world.

Palesa grinned as they walked towards Hasani's home. "I actually could've let Victor and Yannis come too...but they don't make Hasani jealous like you do."

"I make him jealous? I'm sure I could make him feel worse than that."

Palesa laughed.

Nathan was always impressed at how beautiful Feloya is but he was focused on seeing Imani. When he walked into one of the many rooms, he smiled at Imani moisturizing her round belly. Palesa walked away to give them privacy and to let Hasani know of Nathan's presence.

I smelled her scent before coming into the room...I can see a faint glow around her.

"Hi, Kitty."

Imani quickly lifted her head. "Nathan?....NATHAN!"

She ran towards him then stood on the tips of her toes, wrapping her arms around his neck. Nathan held her tight enjoying her familiar sweet scent.

"Baby, you're okay...you're here. I'm so happy." Imani touched his face, shoulders and chest, reassuring herself he was really present.

"Ooh! Your son is happy you're here too." The baby kicked and she placed his hand on her stomach. Nathan was in awe, feeling his son moving around.

"Has he been good?"

"He's been perfect. I missed you so much." Imani's eyes began to tear up.

"I missed you too, Kitty." Nathan kissed her lips softly and tried to stay calm. He didn't want to overwhelm her....yet.

Imani grabbed his hand and took him towards a lounge chair and sat down. She touched his face again.

Hasani appeared in the doorway. "I'm glad to see you two have been reunited. Nathan, I will show you where you'll be staying."

"He's staying here with me." Imani held his hand.

Nathan looked at Hasani. "Did you really expect her to not want her fiance by her side?"

"I have rules here and they will be followed."

"What rules?"

A woman the same height as Hasani stood in a long gold gown with locs wrapped into a bun and the same stunning Crescian features.

"Queen Ebele, it's nice to see you."

"Nice to see you also, Nathan."

Queen Ebele knew Nathan very well and witnessed the fight between him and Hasani. Prince Kazeem was the love of her life and was set to be her King before his death...she too understood Ian Spear's rage after learning about the affair.

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