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Kenneth moved and a man I didn't know stood in the pathway then started walking towards us. He had on a black casual suit with a black button up and black shoes. His true height showed the closer he got to us and we both looked up toward him.

"I was looking all over for you. Is everything ok?"

He was absolutely gorgeous, almost unreal. I was so busy looking into his crystal light gray eyes, I almost forgot to play along.

"Oh, um yeah, everything is ok. This is Kenneth, Bria's friend."

"Kenneth, I'm Nathan. Is there a problem?" The man gave him a cold stare, not offering his hand for a shake.

Kenneth tried to keep a brave face. "No, I-I didn't know she had a new friend."

I looked at him with disgust. "I didn't tell Bria."

"Listen, I'm......"

Before Kenneth could finish, Nathan interrupted.

"Ready to go, Kitty?" He put his hand out and I didn't hesitate to take it.

I squeezed his hand, silently thanking him for saving me. He didn't know me or have to do it but I'm so happy he did. I looked back and Kenneth was walking the opposite direction, far away from Nathan.

We walked closer to the pool area, there was less people than before. That situation with Kenneth really freaked me out. Having been kidnapped before, I was terrified of being attacked again.

"Thank you so much for doing that...." I said through shaky words.

"No worries. You looked really uncomfortable, like you needed help."

I don't know what came over me but I wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him as tears filled my eyes.

He must have felt me shaking and immediately comforted me.

"Does he always bother you?"

I nodded and he looked around, I'm guessing to see where Kenneth was but he was gone.

"Do you want a ride home?"

I let go of him, thinking about Bria and realized Nathan was my only help right now. She didn't even tell me Kenneth was going to be here. I can't believe I don't even trust my best friend anymore.

"If it's no trouble...I.."

He interrupted me. "Let's go, I'll take you."

He put out his hand and I took it once again.


I got into Nathan's black SUV truck, once we drove away I took a deep breath then told him my address. I also texted Bria I was leaving.

How did Kenneth know about Yanni and Victor? I kept repeating in my head.

"I didn't get your name..." Nathan said.

"Oh, sorry. It's Imani James and thank you again."

"Nathan Spear and you're very welcome."

I kept feeling tingles down my spine and I was mentally exhausted. I did a big no no...I fell asleep and can't even explain why I was so comfortable falling asleep around him. Nathan woke me up once we were in front of my house.

The tingles continued as I stretched. "I'm sorry for falling asleep.."

"It's ok. How are you feeling?"


I dug in my purse and took out two twenties to give to him.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to give you some gas money, to thank you for bringing me home."

He smiled and shook his head.

"You're breaking my heart, Imani....I don't want your money. But if you feel that adamant, go out to dinner with me."

I was not expecting all.

"You want to go to dinner with me?"

"That's what I just said....didn't I?" He stared into my eyes.

My heart was racing....I was too scared to say yes but too attracted to say no.

He gave me his phone and I put my number in it with nervous fingers. I couldn't believe how my night was going.

"I will call and let you know our dinner plans," He said while I handed back his phone.

"O-Okay....have a good night, Nathan."

"You too, Kitty." He gave me a soft smile.

I blushed, then got out of his truck. I felt him watching me as I walked to my door.

Please don't trip, Imani.

At my door, I waved goodbye and he drove off once I was inside.

Well at least something good came out of this crazy night....

I said to myself, then realized the tingling in my spine finally stopped.

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