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I sat up and hugged Hasani. Relief covered me as soon as I saw his face.

"My fiance is in trouble, he needs help..." I said in a panic.

Hasani grabbed my hand. "Shh...relax, Imani. Why are you worrying so much?"

I looked at him confused.

"Why wouldn't I be worried about the father of my child?"

Hasani chuckled. "Do you think he can't handle himself?"

"I-I didn't say he couldn't, but those witches were very powerful."

Hasani shook his head. "Not really...they have basic level experience."

"So you saw what was happening and didn't help?"

"I think you underestimate your fiancé a little too much."

I looked down. "I don't.....I'm just worried about him and miss him."

Hasani placed his hand on my big belly. "Only if this was my child growing inside of you, but Goddess Mother wouldn't allow it."

"She wouldn't...why?"

"Purpose, prophecy and fate. If she did, our first child would have already been born. You would be permanently staying here with me and that would be my son instead of Spear's."

"Son?" I looked into his golden eyes.

"Yes, you're having a boy. Spear didn't tell you?"

I shook my head.

"Well, enough about are you feeling?" Hasani asked, staring at my lips.

"I'm okay. Can I ask you a question?"

He smiled. "Of course."

"Are you the King of Feloya?"

He sighed. "Yes, I am."

"The Queen is not what is she to you?"

Hasani got up and helped me out of bed. "Let's go for a walk."

I nodded and followed him down a long hall then out of huge beautifully carved double wood doors. Once outside, I turned to see what looked like a gigantic tree castle. My eyes stared at the beauty of the mahogany bark with green vines swirling around it in different areas. Willow leaves hung over it as pretty bright red and yellow flowers peeked through.

Hasani squeezed my hand to get my attention and I pulled my eyes away from the beautiful structure.

"Your home is breathtaking."

He smiled and we continued to walk amongst the gorgeous flowers and big sparkling butterflies.

There was so much beauty in Feloya for me to admire...but Hasani kept taking my focus, he was gorgeous. The two gold rings around each of his arms shined against his midnight skin and his waist length small locs were a hue of gold and dark blue as was his eyebrows and lashes. Hasani's sculpted muscular body made me think about the day I spent with him. I knew what hid underneath the gold wrap around his waist and it made me blush and feel nervous.

"My Queen is Ebele and like many Kings, I am allowed to have mistresses."

"Oh, Palesa is one of your mistresses."

"She was my only mistress..."

"She was?"

"Yes, then you came along...." He looked into my eyes.

My heart raced and we continued to walk until our feet touched black sand. The sky blue water turned lavender, spreading far out and I almost lost track of where the waters ended as the sky turned from blue to the same lavender.

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