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Walking towards Imani's Lake House, I was ready to see her and my son. A few months of space was enough and I wasn't going another day without her or Ethan. Imani would send me pictures of Ethan every day and it filled up my phone storage. I smiled thinking about his jet black curly hair, gerber cheeks and the light gray eyes he obviously got from me.

I stood in front of her home, staring at the outside exterior, I instantly got flashbacks of her being with me.

I miss hearing her sweet voice and giggles, smelling her delicious scent and tasting the food she cooked. The way she would randomly play in my hair while she softly covered my face with kisses. I enjoyed the loud laughter we had together too. I just miss.....her.

Walking closer toward the steps, I could feel her energy. I'll admit that I've slept with other women since Imani left me, but those women couldn't take away my desire to feel Imani's sweet center squeezing my hardness. I could still hear her scream my name from making her cum over and over again...only she could completely satisfy my urges.

When I went to take a step, I was blocked from advancing forward. It was an invisible force keeping me from getting through.

"What the fuck?" I reached out and a red static appeared from my touch.

"It's the Blood Moon Spirit...."

I looked to see Hasani standing next to me but I had no time to wonder if he would attack.

"And what the hell is that?"

"It's the dark spirit of Yannis and Victor's deities. They must have bonded with the spirit and now it's still inside of them."

"Are you telling me this is a possession or something?...Is the deity a demon or witch?"

Hasani shook his head. " witch but they do pull from the same source as demons."

"Wait...They are in there with Imani and my son." I was pissed to say the least.

"Imani and your son aren't in danger...I can see what's happening."

"So can you get through?"


I looked at him annoyed. "Then what are you waiting for?"

"I have to make sure I don't make things powers could ignite and cause an explosion once it collides with their barrier."

I was starting to get impatient but I calmed myself enough to not try and barge through the barrier....I'm crazy not stupid.

Hasani raised his hand and an electric current collided with the barrier, causing a bright light to erupt.

"IMANI!!" I called her name out of frustration.

Soon the culprits came outside...finally. I could picture their blood all over my hands.

"You both know what I'm here for so don't stall. I want my fiance' and son now."

The closer they got to Hasani and I....the look on their faces were different. Both of their eyes were blood red and red veins etched up their necks...something else was definitely inside of them and I'm sure Hasani could see it too.

"The Blood Moon Spirit is still within you both. Why haven't you expelled it?" Hasani asked.

"Why would we do that? It doesn't harm us...." Victor answered.

"It's part of our evolution, this is what we were destined to be all along...Thank you for reminding us, Hasani." Yannis walked closer.

I looked at him surprised. "You helped them become this?"

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