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It's so great to be home after a long day of work. I need to get started on dinner before Victor and Yanni come home.

I don't cook everyday but love watching them enjoy my food and tell me how great it tastes. We usually sit at the dining table together and I listen to them talk about their day or business ventures they've done. We're a family and I love them so much.

Victor sold three of his four homes so he and Yanni could purchase one big home for all three of us to live in. Neither one of them was willing to be apart from me for more than a day or two and I didn't want to switch places every few days.

It's been almost three months since the incident at the Crestdale pack territory and the breakthrough of my healing powers. Knowing that I was destined to be Yanni and Victor's mate, sent my soul soaring.

Surprisingly, they've been getting along and even went grocery shopping together.....yeah, I know, crazy right?

I went from being a regular, single college girl and waitress to having healing abilities, two boyfriends and a corporate job.

Life truly is crazy but amazing.

My sister has been asking to meet Yanni since I confessed that he was my boyfriend....but I'm not ready. It's not that I didn't trust my sister, I just like having this part of my life to myself with no judgements and assumptions.

I finished making dinner....two big medium rare steaks with roasted sauteed vegetables. My steak was cooked well done...and they teased me about it every time.

Stepping outside onto the porch, I watered my yellow lilies.

A car pulled up and I assumed it was one of them. I continued watering my plants then went inside to make their plates.

The door slowly opened.

"Dinner's ready," I said, putting the plates on the table.

"Looks delicious," a woman's voice said. Immediately my eyes went in her direction.

"You must be Imani.....I'm Estelle."

I could've dropped right there.

With no smile accompanying her introduction, she was still stunning. I definitely see where Yanni and Victor get their looks from.

Before a response left my lips, Estelle looked around, walking further into our home. This was her first time here and she was grading the interior decor. My nerves were a wreck as I watched the scrutiny in her eyes.

What in the world is their Mom doing here?

"Mother?" Victor came into the house.

Estelle didn't let that interrupt her inspection. "Victor."

He could see the uneasiness on my face and came towards me.

"Hello sweetheart, dinner looks and smells amazing," he said, kissing my forehead.

"So, mother....Is there something wrong?"

"Why does something have to be wrong? I can't visit my sons in their new home?" Her focus was now on him.


Estelle rolled her eyes. "Yes, unannounced. It's not like I interrupted anything of importance. Where's your brother?"

"I'm right here....but why are you?" Yanni answered, walking in the door.

"You two are going to make the Crescian think we have a horrible relationship."

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