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Allison stood in her new furnished apartment, everything was done. She was finally able to start over after years of living in hell at the Crestdale pack territory.

The head council gave the liberty for the rest of the pack to leave or stay and rebuild...Allison didn't wait for council; she was already gone. She still remembers watching the back tail lights of Victor's truck driving away from her.

I wonder if he saw me? Was me helping Imani escape not enough for his forgiveness?

Allison teared up at how harsh and distant Victor was towards her that night. But she doesn't blame him for how he feels....she still loves him.

Her phone rang and she answered.

"Hello, Ms. Rivers. We've found a temp position for an Office Assistant at Account Liberty. It's a possible temp to hire. Are you interested?"

"Yes, I am.."

"Ok, great. I will send you over the job details. Please read over everything and let us know if you accept by Monday."

"Ok, no problem. Thank you."

Allison hung up excited.

New place, new job....finally things are coming together.

The first few days of Allison's temp job went easy. She made sure she was prepared and took thorough notes during her training. It was now lunch time so she made her way to the lunch room with another employee.

"So how do you like it so far?" Her co-worker Beth asked.

"It's been great! Everyone seems nice and the company has a great business reputation. Hopefully after my three month temp contract, I can get hired permanently."

While Beth talked, Allison saw a familiar face...Imani?

"Excuse me one second Beth."

Allison quickly walked over to her. "Imani, is that you?"

Imani looked at her, then her eyes lit up. "Allison, oh my goodness!"

Allison smiled as Imani pulled her into a hug. She was so relieved that she still remembered her and hugged her back.

"You work here! That's awesome!"

"Well, it's only temporary."

Imani looked disappointed. "Oh, how long?"

"Three months....but I heard it's a possible temp to anything can happen."

"Well, I'll make sure they make a space for you. I'm so happy to see you.....I actually wondered how you were doing, after everything."

Allison saw the sincerity and compassion in Imani's eyes. She was so happy she worked there too. They talked for a few minutes and after work, walked outside together.

"Hopefully we can go to lunch together tomorrow, my treat," Imani said.

"I would love that..." before Imani could finish, a black Audi pulled up.

"Are you ready, sweetheart?"

Allison's eyes grew wide...Oh my god, it's Victor.

"Allison? Are you ok?" Imani asked.

"Yeah, yeah...I'll see you tomorrow."

Allison hurried away before Victor could see her. Imani still didn't know that she was the Allison responsible for Victor leaving the pack.

We had two other Allison's in our pack, how would Imani know?

She got into her car and tried to calm her shaking hands. Allison really wanted Imani's friendship but tremendously wanted Victor more.

If being friends with Imani is the only way to see be it. He has to forgive me eventually....right?


Imani talked with Victor as they made their way home. Ever since Estelle visited a week ago, she's been a little on edge. Her mind kept replaying their response after their mother asked them about claiming her.

She's not a werewolf.

Victor and Yannis never elaborated why that was a problem and Imani brushed it off as them looking out for her. She wasn't ready to be a mother but she also wondered if they were ready to have children. Imani didn't want to be a block on them having a family. And she knew Estelle wasn't too happy about their current situation.

Imani overheard Estelle talking to them about starting a new pack and being what they were destined to be....great Alphas. She said they could have multiple female wolves to bear their pups.

It sounded like Yannis and Victor weren't too confident about not wanting to have their own packs again.

Was I in the way of their natural calling as werewolves? Are they really happy with me?

She let it go and decided to talk about something else.

"Honey, I was wondering if I could have a friend or two over for dinner next weekend?"

Victor smiled. "Of course."

She excitedly hugged him and kissed his lips, then wiped her lipstick off of them.

"That put a big smile on your face. Is there a reason why?" Imani grabbed his hand and kissed it.

"I just love seeing you happy." He flipped her hand over and kissed it.

Imani started planning over what she would cook for her guests. She was excited for Bria and Allison to meet each other.

They pulled up to their beautiful farmhouse style home. Imani smiled at how pretty her flowers looked hanging around the wrap around porch. Once inside, her phone rang. The number was unknown, but she still answered.


"Hello, Imani. It's Estelle."

Imani went into her room and shut the door.

"Hi, Ms. Estelle, how can I help you?"

"Get out while you can, dear girl. I know you love my sons but there's no way this relationship will work. They are very loyal at heart but their werewolf nature will eventually cause them to stray."

Imani wasn't surprised, she continued to listen. "I know."

"I'm not telling you this to hurt you, Imani. I am trying to keep you from getting hurt. You are but one human woman trying to keep two Alpha werewolves satisfied and fulfilled...but that will never be accomplished because they are going against their true nature....."

Imani interrupted. "Of being leaders of a pack, mating with female wolves and having pups."

"See, I knew you were a smart girl."

"Yes, but I'm not ready to let them go. I love them, Ms. Estelle." Imani tried holding back her tears.

"Well, my dear, I guess you'll have to learn the hard way. Don't say you weren't warned."

Estelle hung up and Imani sat staring at her phone.

But....I love them.

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