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"When are you starting, little sis?" Jeremiah asked.

Imani enjoyed the cool breeze before answering her brother. "In two weeks. I wanted to give enough notice to Roulette before I leave."

Everything that's been happening for the past few weeks has given Imani a change of heart on the path she wants to take in life. She thought a different environment would be a good choice, not to mention the huge pay increase. Working in her parents' company just felt right. All her siblings worked there, so she figured, why not keep tradition.

"That's great! Now the whole family will be making money together."

"Yeah... pretty cool." Imani grinned.

"Plus, it gives me a reason to see my little sis more......" Jeremiah looked down.

Imani's heart grew full....she did miss her big brother. They had always been very close since she was a baby, even closer than his twin.

"I missed you too, Jere." Imani went to give him a hug.

"I'm hungry...let's go get some food. I'm sure it's done by now," Jeremiah said as they walked back into their parents' house.

A full spread of BBQ'd meats and sides filled the kitchen island and table. Everyone made their plates and savored the delicious meal their parents prepared.

"Oh, Sabrina's here. Let me go get her." Jeremiah got up from the table, looking at his phone

Miah rolled her eyes. "I thought this was just for family?"

"Did I miss something.....who is Sabrina?" Imani asked.

"His new girlfriend," Lucas answered.

"You don't like her, Miah?" Lucas' wife Sujin asked.

Imani waited for her sister to answer. "She has control issues, no filter, and comes off too needy."

Yup, that's my big sis, Miah. Straight, no chaser.

"Sheesh Miah... they've only been dating for like a month. You should give her a chance," Lucas chuckled at his sister's usual directness.

"I think he should cut his losses now since the relationship is still fresh," Miah continued.

Sabrina and Jeremiah walked through the door. Her strawberry blonde, loose wave curls cascaded over her shoulders. She wore a pink top and floral skirt and pink wedges. At first glance, Sabrina gave off the perfect woman impression but seeing Miah's reaction...Imani wasn't buying it.

"Hello, everyone. Oh, who is this?" Sabrina asked, looking at Imani.

"Obviously, she's family, babe, " Jeremiah answered.

Miah sucked her teeth. "How would she know? She's not family, and she's still here."

"Hi Sabrina, I'm their sister, Imani." She put out her hand for a shake.

Sabrina extended her hand. "Oh, of course. Nice to meet you."

Miah said something under her breath, and Lucas nudged her. Jeremiah ignored his twin and continued the greetings.

"Um babe, you remember my sister-in-law?"

"Yeah, Su are you?"

"It's Sujin, and I've been doing well," Sujin smiled.

Sabrina ignored the correction. "Oh my goodness, you are huge. That baby should be here any day, right?"

Imani's eyes grew wide at the remark. Is she serious? She's barely showing.

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